我们怎么用英语称呼跳舞、攀爬、游泳、滑冰、赢的人和唱歌的人?( 二 )

105.手臂交叉动作:scything arm action
107.前交叉(一臂等待另一臂):catch-up stroke
109.曲线动作:circular motion
110.曲线摆动:circular swinging motioncircular wind-up
111.直线划水路线:straight through pull
112.半直线划水路线:modified straight line pull
113.钥匙洞形划水路线:keyhole pull
114.反问号形划水路线:inverted question mark pull
115.漏斗形划水路线:hourglass pull
116.双“S”形划水路线(蝶泳):double "S" pull
117.锯齿形[小“S”形]划水路线:zigzag pull
119.移臂:recovery of the arm
120.加快移臂或收腿动作:rushed recovery
122.手腿配合:arm-leg relationship

运动员指的多为职业的运动选手,那么你知道吗?下面跟我一起来学习一下关于运动员的英语知识吧 。
sport *** an
运动员的相关短语长跑运动员 long-distance runner distance runner
足球运动员列表 List of football players Lists of association football players
篮球运动员 basketball player basket baller cager basketball
运动员和金钱 Sport *** en and Money
运动员教练 Athletic Coaching
运动员村 Athletes Village The athletes ' village the Villages
网球运动员 tennis player tennist Arthur Ashe Tennis player, fashion designer, actress, global icon
运动员心脏 athlete's heart athletic heart athlete heart
运动员精神 Sport *** anship
运动员的英语例句1. The boy first showed promise as an athlete in grade school.
这个男孩在上小学的时候就初次显示出成为运动员的潜力 。
2. The athlete is checked by their physio or doctor.
由专用理疗师或医生为运动员做检查 。
3. Robb is torn between being a doctor and a career in athletics.
罗布在做医生还是当运动员之间痛苦抉择,左右为难 。
4. Wes Hall was once one of the West Indies' great cricketers.
韦斯·霍尔曾经是西印度群岛伟大的板球运动员之一 。
5. He is a terrific athlete and a brilliant jumper.
他是个出色的运动员,弹跳力非常好 。
6. Footballers in whopping great studded boots walk over the pitch.
脚蹬帅气钉靴的足球运动员走进了球场 。
7. We challenged a team who called themselves "College Athletes".
我们向一个自称“大学运动员”的队下了战书 。
8. Players should be allowed to earn money from advertising.
应该允许运动员拍广告挣钱 。
9. Kenya's long distance runners have taken the athletics world by storm.
肯亚的长跑运动员在田径界获得了巨大成功 。
10. Some managers have recently raised objection to the PFA handling these negotiations.
一些主教练最近就英格兰职业足球运动员协会负责这些谈判提出了异议 。
11. Until the matter is resolved the athletes will be ineligible to pete.
除非这个问题得以解决,否则这些运动员没有资格参加比赛 。
12. A number of the French players went nuts, pletely out of control.
有几个法国运动员简直是疯了,完全失去了控制 。
13. The athlete received a two-year suspension following a positive drug test.
该运动员因尿检结果呈阳性而被停赛两年 。
14. He admitted that he still feels unfulfilled as a footballer.
他承认对自己作为足球运动员的表现还是不满意 。
15. The referee has to think the way the players do.
裁判必须从运动员的角度考虑问题 。
关于运动员的英文阅读:年轻运动员更适合奥运比赛么In the past 3 summer Olympic Games, only 64 of the 1,707 athletes of team USA have been over the age of 40. The Washington Post created a data visualization of average age ranges for Olympic sports, including an interactive tool to see if you'd be too old to pete.
过去三届的夏季奥运会的1707名美国运动员中,仅有64名超过了40岁 。《 *** 》对奥运运动员们的年龄进行了一项资料调查,使用了一个互动工具来统计年龄过大是否不适合竞技比赛 。
As presented, athlete ages range from 15 for female gymnasts to nearly 60 for male sailors.
根据调查结果,奥运最年轻的运动员是年仅15岁的体操女孩,而年龄最大的是年近60岁的划艇男运动员 。
In a recent Washington Post profile on 45-year-old female swimmer Dana Torres, she discusses the effects of age on the body, and how she works to overe these obstacles. Although muscles deteriorate and recovery bees slower, Torres believes that age is on her side. Since age es with experience, the twelve-time Olympic medalist is more mentally prepared for the Games than any other female swimmer.
