商店英语怎么读 商店store英语怎么读

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商店英语怎么读 商店store英语怎么读

商店英语怎么读 商店store英语怎么读

Shop 释义:商店;店铺;工厂;工厂;作坊;(
音标:英 [p] 美 [?ɑ?p]
Store 释义:百货商店;商店;店铺;贮存物;备用物;贮存;贮藏;
音标:英 [st(r)] 美 [str]
Retailer 释义:零售商;零售店;商店;
音标:英 [?ri?te?l?(r)] 美 [?ri?te?l?r]
商店英语怎么读 商店store英语怎么读

商店英语怎么读 商店store英语怎么读

1、The shop is now under new management.
这家商店现由新的经营者管理 。
2、There were masses of people in the shops yesterday.
昨天商店里人如潮涌 。
3、Small local shops stop being economic when a supermarket opens up nearby.
附近的一家超市开业后,当地的小商店就没有利润可赚了 。
4、I have to go shopping this afternoon.
我今天下午得去商店买东西 。
5、The book is now freely available in the shops.
现在这本书在商店可以随时买到 。
6、The shop sells only fresh local produce.
这家商店专售当地的新鲜农产品 。
7、I combed the shops looking for something to wear.
我跑遍商店寻找可穿的东西 。
8、I looked through a rack of clothes at the back of the shop.
我看遍了挂在商店尽里面的一架子衣服 。
9、Ramraiders smashed a stolen car through the shop window.
飙车抢劫者驾着偷来的汽车撞破商店橱窗 。
10、Small shops have been a casualty of the recession.
小商店在经济萧条中深受其害 。
11、I saw him down at the shops.
我刚才看到他在那边的商店里 。
12、Prices are exorbitantly high in this shop.
这家商店的价格高得离谱 。
13、The new store will be open in the spring.
新商店将在春天开业 。
14、I go to the store most every day.
我几乎每天都去商店 。
15、The stores are packed solid at this time of year.
每年一到这个时候,商店总是挤得水泄不通 。
16、I need a few things from the store.
我需要从商店买些东西 。
17、Stores spend more and more on crime prevention every year.
商店每年在防止犯罪方面的花费越来越多 。
18、They opened a single store in Europe to test out the market.
他们在欧洲开了一家商店,检验一下市场情况 。
19、Stores are getting desperate after two years of poor sales.
两年来销路不畅,商店不惜冒起险来 。
20、This model is available at selected stores only.
这种款式只在特定商店有售 。
21、Take the goods back to your retailer who will refund you the purchase price.
把商品退还给你的零售商,他们会按原价退款的 。
22、It made it almost impossible for the smaller retailer to compete against the multiples.
这使得小零售商几乎不可能跟连锁店竞争 。
23、He is a smart retailer.
他是个精明的零售商 。
24、This is the day by which the retailer must sell that product.
这一天,其中零售商要出售的产品 。
25、Impact of Perceived Marketing Stimuli on Retailer Equity: Perspective of Store Knowledge.
【商店英语怎么读 商店store英语怎么读】营销刺激感知对零售商权益的影响:商店知识的视角 。
