宽永通宝价格及图片 宽永通宝值多少钱一枚

日本是最早开始仿铸中国方孔圆钱的国家 。宽永通宝是日本历史上铸量最大、铸期最长、版别最多的一种钱币,同时也是流入我国数量最多的外国钱币之一 。它始铸于日本第108代后水尾天皇宽永三年(1626年),从1636年开始大量铸造 。当时日本各地的钱炉均有铸造,至明治初年还在使用 。
Japan was the first country to imitate China’s square hole coins. Kwan Yong Tongbao is one of the largest, longest and most different coins in Japanese history. It is also one of the most foreign coins flowing into China. It was first cast in Japan after the 108th generation, Mikado Kuanyong three years (1626), from 1636 began to cast a large number of. At that time, money stoves were cast all over Japan, and they were still in use in the early years of Meiji.
中日两国,一衣带水,友好往来,源远流长 。早在两千多年前的汉半两和五铢钱在日本多处出土即是明证 。到唐代,两国交往更加密切,互派使节,而且唐朝文化对日本影响很大 。历年来出土的唐代开万通宝钱数以万计 。而日本最早的方孔圆钱“和同开宝(王尔)”钱就是仿开万通宝钱而成,在我国也有发现 。到了宋、明两代,两国经济往来更加频繁,中国钱币继续大量输往日本 。后来,日本仿铸中国宋、明的年号钱,也用汉文,名称一样 。这些钱币以及其他的日本年号钱也大批流入我国 。当然,宽永通宝是最为常见的 。
China and Japan have a long history of friendly exchanges with each other. As early as more than 2,000 years ago, the unearthed coins of the Han Dynasty, the Han Dynasty and the Five Baht in Japan are proof of that. By the Tang Dynasty, the two countries had closer contacts and sent envoys to each other, and the culture of the Tang Dynasty had a great influence on Japan. There are tens of thousands of Kai Wantong treasures unearthed in the Tang Dynasty over the years. Japan’s earliest square hole coin “and Tongkaibao (Wang Er)” coin is a imitation of Wantongbao coin, which has also been found in China. By the Song and Ming dynasties, economic exchanges between the two countries were more frequent, and Chinese coins continued to be exported to Japan in large quantities. Later, Japan imitated the year number money of Song and Ming dynasties in Chinese, with the same name. These coins and other Japanese yearly numbered coins also poured into our country in large quantities. Of course, Kwan Yong Tongbao is the most common.
日本的“宽永通宝”钱在中国民间流通了多年,直到清乾隆初年,才被官府知道,怀疑是私铸钱,还另用“年号”,这无异于谋反 。于是,乾隆皇帝谕令江、浙、闽各总督、巡抚穷治开炉造卖之人 。幸亏江苏巡抚庄有恭的幕僚见多识广,道出来历 。于是,两江总督尹继善和江苏巡抚庄有恭“会衔上疏”,讲出来龙去脉,乾隆皇帝才又谕令严禁商船携带倭钱;民间使用的,官为收买 。至此,事情才算了结,现存世极少,价格昂贵 。
Japan’s “Kuan Yong Tongbao” money circulated among the Chinese people for many years, until the early years of the Qing and Qianlong dynasties, it was not known by the government that it was suspected that it was private money, but also used another “year number”, which was tantamount to rebellion. So Emperor Qianlong ordered the governors and governors of Jiangsu, Zhejiang and Fujian to open the ovens and sell them. Fortunately, Zhuang Yougong, governor of Jiangsu Province, has a wide range of knowledge and tells us his history. Hence, Yin Jishan, governor of the two rivers, and Zhuangyou, governor of Jiangsu Province, are respectfully “shuffled in rank” and tell the story. Emperor Qianlong ordered that merchant ships be strictly prohibited from carrying small amounts of money. Officials buy what is used by the people. So far, things have been settled. There are very few in the world and the price is very hig.

宽永通宝价格及图片 宽永通宝值多少钱一枚

宽永通宝价格及图片 宽永通宝值多少钱一枚

【宽永通宝价格及图片 宽永通宝值多少钱一枚】
宽永通宝价格及图片 宽永通宝值多少钱一枚

宽永通宝价格及图片 宽永通宝值多少钱一枚

