

双子座情感档案(5/21 - 6/21)
双子座不喜欢单独的生活 , 所以水瓶座能给家庭带来新鲜的变化 , 这是最理想的对象 , 带给你年轻及活力 。聪明活泼、温柔可爱的天秤座 , 及知识水准相当的双子座也都适合你 。相反的 , 处女座会变成累赘 , 是无法相处的对象;射手座让你精神过于紧张;双鱼座空洞乏味 , 无法与你沟通 。
This is one of your best matches. You both have a high energy, a thirst for adventure and spontaneity. Passionate, sudden and compelling, this union can last.
双子-白羊:白羊座是你最适合的伴侣之一 。你们都精力旺盛 , 富于冒险且自发性强 。只要拥有更多的激情和动力 , 这对组合可以一直走下去 。
This is not a good connection for the Bull. Your lack of routine upsets this steady sign. You find Taureans far too dull for your liking and will tend to wander early into the relationship.
双子-金牛:看上去 , 牛儿并不适合你 。稳重的金牛座难以适应你多变的个性让 , 而你也觉得他太迟钝乏味 。这样一来你俩的关系必将徘徊不前 。
You can have some real good times but you seldom stay together unless you meet in later years. however, you can have some wonderful times together.
双子-双子:你们会有一段美好的时光 , 但是如果没有多年后的邂逅 , 你们很少待在一起 。
The Moon child is far too moody and sensitive for your fickle ways. You are not a homebody like the Crab. You have totally different interests then a Cancer.
双子-巨蟹:守护星是月亮的巨蟹座人多愁善感 , 与你行事方法格格不入 。你也不是一个像他那样的喜欢过居家生活的人 。你们的兴趣太不一样 , 勉强在一起也不会幸福哦 。
GEMINI &LEO: This is not a bad connection. You complement one another. The generous Lion will bend to whatever you want as long as you let your flattering silver tongue lead the way.
双子-狮子:这对组合还不错 , 有点互补的意思 。只要你多点甜言蜜语 , 大方的狮子能满足你所有的要求 。
GEMINI &VIRGO: This is not the best union, the practical Virgo views you as being disorganized and frivolous. You on the other hand don’t think that the Virgoan knows how to have a good time.
双子-处女:这对搭配不太理想 , 实际的处女座人认为你缺乏组织性且过于轻佻 , 另一方面 , 你也觉得处女座人不知道如何与你相处 。
Magnetic union, but not long lasting. The Scales find it difficult to live in the turmoil and melodrama that you thrive on. This relationship is usually short, hot and sweet.
双子-天秤:这是很有吸引力的组合 , 可惜不能持久 。天秤座的人很难忍受你善变的性格 。你们的关系通常短暂 , 但热烈而甜蜜 。
Scorpio’s jealous tendencies are impossible for you to handle. Your flirtatious ways and little white lies will drive the Scorpion as far away as possible.
双子-天蝎:嫉妒心极强的蝎子让你很能应付;而你轻佻的行为也让他/她与你渐行渐远 。
This union can workhowever, you both love to travel, therefore you may not spend much time together. You both tend to leave your fate to luck, which can make this a risky relationship.
双子-射手:这对组合能凑合 , 不过你们都太爱游玩 , 以致于都没时间好好相处了 。你俩都相信宿命 , 这往往让关系变得很危险 。
Not great. The Goat is too ambitious and organized for you. You have totally different priorities in love and in life.
双子-摩羯:并不是太合拍的一对 。山羊野心太大 , 对你并不适合 。你们对待爱情和生活的态度完全不同 。
Super alliance, you are both original and like variety. This makes for a fun loving couple. This is not always a lasting union but it is certainly worth pursuing.
双子-水瓶:你们是最佳的情侣档 , 都喜欢新鲜 , 热衷变化 。这让你俩有很多共同话题 。你们的感情也许不能持久 , 但绝对是值得期待的一对 。
Insecurity usually ruins this relationship. This can be an extremely emotional union. Unique, destructive, yet passionate and lustful resulting in hurt and anxiety.
