怎样在朋友圈暗示怀孕但不想要的说说 怎样在朋友圈暗示怀孕

?·??·???????????最近有点忙?·??·??????????? 你忙着长大 我忙着长胖
①??????????? 我的天使我的宝贝~???????期待着与你的相见~
②?·??·???????????最近有点忙?·??·??????????? 你忙着长大 我忙着长胖
③??????????????????ι ?σи? ?σ? 期待我们的:1???1??=3??
⑤. . .. . ..光影琉璃,浪漫而唯美,幸孕的喜悦,值得一场最盛大的纪念仪式

1、敌军还有9个月到达战场 。
The enemy is still nine months away.
2、一个身体,俩个心跳,素未谋面,却爱你至深 。
A body, two heartbeat, never met, but love you deeply.
3、我们的二人世界终于有了“小三” 。
Our two people world finally has a small three.
4、最近好忙,我忙着长胖,你忙着长大 。

I’m busy recently. I’m busy growing fat. You’re busy growing up.
5、期待我们全新的家庭模式,一加一等于三 。
Looking forward to our new family model, one plus one equals three.
6、我的铠甲和软肋,欢迎你的到来和陪伴 。
My armor and soft ribs, welcome your coming and company.
The most expensive house has finally been rented out, with a term of ten months. No renewal!
8、坐公交终于可以心安理得的不让座了 。
Take the bus finally can be comfortable not to give up.
9、你的每一次跳动,都能让我嘴角上扬 。
Every time you beat, you can make my mouth turn up.

10、期待你的出现,期待你的到来 。
Look forward to your appearance, look forward to your arrival.
11、家庭排位,要进行更新了 。
Family ranking, to be updated.
12、最近要吃两人份的饭了 。
I’m going to have dinner for two recently.
Our little angel, welcome your coming. I’ll teach you for the rest of my life!
14、爱情修炼升级啦!迎来一个大boss 。
【怎样在朋友圈暗示怀孕但不想要的说说 怎样在朋友圈暗示怀孕】Love cultivation has been upgraded! Welcome a big boss.
15、人生步入新篇章,正在学习第一页:如何伺候孕妇 。
Entering a new chapter in life, I am learning the first page: how to serve pregnant women.
Wife, from now on, you are still the eldest, I become the third!
