怎样描写猪八戒( 四 )

9. 求一篇写猪八戒的英语作文 要求:对猪八戒外貌描写+性格+对猪八戒Zhu Bajie ,"journey to the west" in the role of.Method can realize,is his o disciples,turned out to be the emperor's Day Peng mander-in-chief,for molesting Chang was expelled from heaven to earth,reincarnation,but misdirected fetal pig,pig face and similar.He will bee an operation,can bee an immortal,use the weapon is the nine tooth a.Tang Seng West to learn from Gao Village,in the cloud stack hole and Sun Wukong war,pig by Sun Wukong rein,became Sun Wukong's good helper,to protect Tang's monk to Buddhist scriptures.Zhu is a moderate,simple and honest simplicity,strength,but also lazy,love Zhanxiaopianyi,chases after women,often monster beauty fans,is the enemy.His brother yes-son to master,keep faithful and true,as the monk Buddhist sutras made distinctions won in battle,was a popular sympathy edy character.
I think he is loyer to Tangseng .In this day,we need it .I like it
都说射手座是最好色的星座,如果真的要给猪八戒个星座,非射手座不可 。
【怎样描写猪八戒】至于孙猴子,有资料显示是春秋时期某六月一号出生的,这样说就是双子座,双子座是星座中最聪明的,他们相当具有灵性、聪明、心智活跃敏锐,喜欢忙碌和追求新的概念及作事的方法,有活力、口才一流、活力充沛、胸怀大志、人缘很好,并且都有语言天份 。对事物的思考很快,改变主意也比一般人快 。看来也是很符合孙老子的~
