

传说一:Rita the princess had a lovely child, including two brothers, not feeling very good, and nearly alike that it is easy to let people think they are a 双生子.
In fact, the two brothers and my brother is rita the princess and the god zeus the son, brother, and 巴斯达国 王所生, two people's half brother and my brother's identity is "god" and has eternal life and my brother is the ordinary people. one day, the greek was a huge wild boar attacks, many of the call came when the boar, wild boar is able to successfully been resolved, warriors, each other because of the merits and in between
In a market of occasions, exchanged at both the eye of the path once again, of course, is a quarrel. the quarrel, and someone began to move up the army and getting all, many people in the killing was injured and even death. sadly, the princes of the younger brother is in this confusion, who was killed.
With the younger brother has always been particularly good brother, can't accept his brother's death, his brother's dead body of the tears to his brother and two people can 起死回生 can enjoy a lifting of the rain before dark.
And brother back to heaven to father zeus. zeus can hope to let his brother again. but zeus to him, his brother is only an ordinary person, we will die. if you really want to let his brother, you must put the rest of his life to his elder brother. deep feeling, brother, is certainly not hesitate to at once, after two brothers and happy life
其实,在这两兄弟中,哥哥是丽达王妃与天神宙斯所生的儿子,弟弟则是与巴斯达国王所生的,俩人为同母异父的兄弟,而且哥哥的身份是"神",且有永恒的生命,弟弟则是一般的普通人 。
有一天,希腊遭到了一头巨大的野猪攻击,王子们召集许多的勇士去追杀野猪,当野猪顺利地被解决后,勇士之间却因为互争功劳,而在彼此之间结下了仇恨 。
在一次市集的热闹场合中,两边互看对方不顺眼的勇士不期而遇,当然又免不了一番争吵 。在争吵中,有人开始动起武来,于是场面变得一发不可收拾,许多人都在这场打杀中受伤,甚至死亡 。很不幸地,两位王子当中的弟弟,也是在这一场混乱之中,被杀身亡 。
一向与这个弟弟特别要好的哥哥,完全无法接受弟弟已经死亡的消息,抱着弟弟的尸首不停的痛哭,希望弟弟可以起死回生,让两人可以一起重享以前手足情深的欢乐日子 。
于是,哥哥回到天上向父亲宙斯请求,希望宙斯可以让弟弟复活 。但是宙斯向他表示,弟弟只是个普通的人,本就会死,若是真的要让弟弟复活,就必须把哥哥剩余的生命分给弟弟 。
感情深厚的哥哥,当然是毫不犹豫的马上答应了,从此之后,兄弟俩又可以一起快乐的生活了 。
传说二:The twins castall and divisions duke, the heroic and skilful, brother, younger brother became the equestrian experts in archery, boxing, 威名 far. two men in a number of war. closely 出生入死.A battle, his brother was killed, wounded, brother of zeus and begged for his own life to redeem my brother. he was deeply moved by his two people were placed in a gemini, and never apart. winter dusk of the night and day out of place to see it.
传说孪生兄弟卡斯托尔和波吕杜克斯英勇善战,哥哥成为马术专家,弟弟精于射箭、拳击,威名远扬 。两人在诸多战争中密切配合,出生入死 。一次战斗中,哥哥受伤身亡,弟弟悲痛欲绝,恳求宙斯,要用自己的生命赎回哥哥 。宙斯深受感动,将他两人都安置在天空成为双子座,永不分离 。冬天的黄昏到夜晚,可以在天顶的位置看到它 。
传说三:In egypt, and its name is called "孪 子星", in the constellation in the two stars carste (castor) and 波鲁克斯 (hecules) named. the two stars in addition, two groups,Of hercules to (hecules) and apollo (apollo), 特里普托勒穆斯 (tritolemus) and 艾逊 (iasaion). the egyptian 孪子 view of the monitoring, not for the common man.
在埃及,它的名字称为“孪子星”,是以这星座中最明亮的两颗星卡斯特(castor)和波鲁克斯(hecules)命名的 。这两颗星另外还有两组名称,分别为赫尔克里斯(hecules)和阿波罗(apollo),特里普托勒穆斯(tritolemus)和艾逊(iasaion) 。埃及人观念中的孪子座为幼童,而非一般常见的成人形象 。
希腊神话中双子座的神:波拉克斯神子、人之子卡斯托 。
希腊神话传说:迷恋斯巴达王妃勒达美色的宙斯,为接近她而化身为天鹅,两人生了一对双胞胎-波拉克斯神子和人之子卡斯托 。两人皆是骁勇冒险的武士,经常联手立下大功勋 。
