羚羊的英文 羚羊的英文是什么

羚羊的英文 羚羊的英文是什么

2、Hardy antelope wander in from the desert.适应力强的羚羊从沙漠游荡到了这里 。
3、The antelope darted away when it saw us. 羚羊一看见我们就飞奔而逃 。
羚羊的英文是 an antelopea gazelle Antelope are herbivorous mammals of the family Bovidae
often noted for their horns. These animals are spread relatively evenly throughout the various subfamilies of the Bovidae and many are more closely related to cows or goats than to each other. There are many species of antelope
ranging in size from the tiny Royal Antelope to the elands. They typically have a light and elegant frame
graceful limbs
*** all cloven hoofs
and a short tail. Antelope have powerful hindquarters and
when startled
they run with a peculiar bounding stride that makes them look as though they are bouncing over the terrain like giant rabbits.
参考: yahoo dictionary and ***
单/复:antelope 2007-04-05 20:03:46 补充: 复是antelopes
参考: me
1. 羚羊[C] Antelopes live in Africa and Asia. 羚羊生活在亚非两洲 。2007-04-04 20:01:39 补充: antelope Show phoicsnoun [C] plural antelope or antelopesa deer-like mammal with horns and long thin legs which allow it to run very fast:a herd of antelope
an antelopea gazelle
参考: yahoo
羚羊,是对一类偶蹄目牛科动物的统称,广义上包括了羚羊和小羚羊一类的动物(英文中称为"antelope"和"gazelle") 。
许多被称为羚羊的动物与人们印象中的相去甚远,有专家指出,羚羊类的动物总共有86种,分属于11个族、32个属 。羚羊的特征是长有空心而结实的角,有区别于牛、羊这一类的反刍动物 。
1. 他瞄准羚羊射击, 把它打倒了 。
He aimed, fired and brought down the antelope.
2. 母狮在平原上跳跃着,紧紧地跟在惊恐的小羚羊后面 。
The lioness bounded across the plain, hard on the heels of a terrified gazelle.
3. 他们是熊猫、鱼、藏羚羊、燕子和奥林匹克圣火 。他们中的每一个颜色都代表奥运五环的颜色之一 。
4. 藏羚羊代表奥运五环中黄色的一环 。
5. 选择藏羚羊表示中国需要绿色奥运 。
【羚羊的英文 羚羊的英文是什么】ChoosingtheantelopeshowsthatChinawantsaGreenOlympics.
