

唯一的英文是什么1. exclusive
2. one and only
3. only
4. unique
5. one
6. sole
7. the one
【唯一的英文是什么】8. singular
唯一的英语例句1. His house was the only settled home I had as a child.
他的房子是我儿时唯一固定的家 。
2. The arteries are diseased and a transplant is the only hope.
动脉已经发生病变,移植是唯一的希望 。
3. They had alienated the one man who knew the business.
他们弄僵了同那个唯一懂行的人之间的关系 。
4. She made her first and only space flight last September.
她第一次也是唯一一次宇宙飞行是在去年9月 。
5. She was the only woman in Shell's legal department.
她是壳牌公司法律事务部唯一的女性 。
6. He is the one man who could retrieve that situation.
他是唯一能挽回局面的人 。
7. The only difference between us is the colour of our skins.
我们之间唯一的差别就是肤色 。
8. The only thing that rankles me is what she says about Ireland.
唯一使我耿耿于怀的就是她那些关于爱尔兰的言论 。
9. My cat Gustaf was the only thing I had—the only company.
我的猫古斯塔夫是我所有的一切——我唯一的伴侣 。
10. The current sole superpower is far from being a disinterested observer.
当前唯一的超级大国远不是一个公正的旁观者 。
11. They took the only free table, which was just inside the door.
他们在刚进门处的唯一一张空桌子边坐下 。
12. The only sound was the crackle of breaking ice.
唯一的声响是冰层噼噼啪啪碎裂的声音 。
13. This is the only forum where East and West can get together.
这是东西方可以聚首的唯一论坛 。
14. I think the only common denominator of success is hard work.
我认为取得成功唯一的共同要素是勤奋 。
15. Clifford's only stipulation is that his clients obey his advice.
克利福德唯一的要求就是客户必须听从他的建议 。
only的双语例句1. His house was the only settled home I had as a child.
他的房子是我儿时唯一固定的家 。
2. The arteries are diseased and a transplant is the only hope.
动脉已经发生病变,移植是唯一的希望 。
3. The crowd in Robinson's Coffee-House was thinning, but only by degrees.
鲁宾逊咖啡屋里的人正在变少,但也只是渐少而已 。
4. They have only a vague idea of the amount of water available.
他们只是大概知道可用水的总量 。
5. We were in the same college, which was male-only at that time.
我们那时在同一所学院,当时只招男生 。
6. Only a handful had returned to work in the immediate vicinity.
仅有几个人回到临近地区工作 。
7. She made her first and only space flight last September.
她第一次也是唯一一次宇宙飞行是在去年9月 。
8. I only resist things like chocolate if I feel really gross.
我只有在觉得自己胖得很难看的时候才能拒绝巧克力这类东西的诱惑 。
9. Only two go down at the end of this season.
本赛季末只有两支队伍降级 。
10. He won, but only by the skin of his teeth.
他赢了,但是赢得十分勉强 。
11. I saw her in a towering rage only once.
我只有一次见过她大发雷霆 。
12. She was the only woman in Shell's legal department.
她是壳牌公司法律事务部唯一的女性 。
13. I met him only the once, and that was enough.
我就见过他那一次,那就让我受够了 。
14. The material consisted only of already published, unclassified information.
这份材料里只有一些已公开的、非保密性质的信息 。
15. He only got a plurality on November 3rd, just 49 percent.
他在11月3号的选举中仅获得了49%的相对多数票 。
唯一的英语:only英 ['??nli]美 ['o?nli]adj. 最好的;唯一的;出众的adv. 只有;仅仅;刚刚conj. 但是;除非;然而;毕竟词汇搭配1、oneandonly唯一的2、nottheonlyfishinthesea并不是世上独一无二的3、onlyelement唯一单元4、Onlyson 独生子常见句型:1、Practiceistheonlywaytolearnalanguagewell.学好一门语言的唯一途径就是实践 。2、TheonlyFrenchcitysheenjoyedwasParis.巴黎是她唯一喜欢的法国城市 。3、Ouronlyresortistoinformthepolice.我们唯一的办法就是向警方报案 。4、Heistheonlysurvivoroftheplanecrash.他是那次飞机失事唯一的幸存者 。扩展资料:词义辨析only,single,sole这三个词都有“唯一的”意思 。其区别在于:1、single的意思是“单一的,单个的”,指不伴随、不依傍、不参与其他事物 。2、only与单数可数名词连用时意思是“唯一的”,与复数名词连用时意思是“仅有的” 。3、sole强调“单独的”,而且只考虑到单独的一个 。
