

button的意思:纽扣 。
读音:英[?b?tn]、美[?b?tn] 。
n. 按钮;纽扣
vt. 扣住;扣紧;在…上装纽扣
vi. 扣住;装有纽扣;扣上纽扣
n. (Button)人名;(英)巴顿
变形:过去式 buttoned、过去分词 buttoned、现在分词 buttoning、第三人称单数 buttons、复数 buttons 。
1、This button is the evidence to make him believe you.
这颗扣子是让他相信你的证据 。
2、The mother buttoned the child into raincoat before he went out.
妈妈在孩子出门前给他扣好雨衣的口子 。
3、The mother buttoned the child's coat.
母亲帮孩子扣上了大衣的扣子 。
4、The child wore a skirt that buttoned down from top to bottom.
【button是什么意思】这个小孩穿了一件从上扣到下的裙子 。
5、Adam pressed a button and waited for the lift.
亚当按了一个按钮 然后等着乘坐电梯 。
button的读音是:英['b?tn] 。
button的读音是:英['b?tn] 。button的意思是n.纽扣;按钮;v.扣上纽扣;用纽扣装饰 。button形容词:buttony;名词:buttoner;过去式:buttoned;过去分词:buttoned;现在分词:buttoning;第三人称单数:buttons 。
n.(名词)[C]纽扣 a small round thing on clothes[C]按钮 a small thing on a machine, that you push[C]没有价值的小东西 sth worthlessv.(动词)vt. &vi. 扣住,系住 fasten sth with buttons三、英英释义
Noun:a round fastener sewn to shirts and coats etc to fit through buttonholes
an electrical switch operated by pressing"the elevator was operated by push buttons"
"the push beside the bed operated a buzzer at the desk"
any of various plant parts that resemble buttons
a round flat badge displaying information and suitable for pinning onto a garment"they passed out campaign buttons for their candidate"
a female sexual organ homologous to the penis
a device that when pressed will release part of a mechanism
any artifact that resembles a button
Verb:provide with buttons"button a shirt"
fasten with buttons"button the dress"
One of the buttons has come off my coat.
我上衣上的一颗扣子掉了 。
You may stop the machine by pushing this button.
按下这个按钮你就可以关掉这个机器 。
It's very warm, he didn't even button his coat.
天气很暖和,他甚至都没扣他外衣的钮扣 。
用作名词(n.)on the button准确地 exactly
用作动词(v.)button down (v.+adv.)〈美俚〉弄清,说明 clear sth up
button up (v.+adv.)〈美俚〉(使某人)闭口不说 (cause sb to) be silent
button sth ? upShe buttoned up her blouse.
她将她的连衣裙扣好 。
Within a short time, everything on the submarine was buttoned up.
不一会儿,潜艇内所有的东西都扣紧了 。
button sth ? upThey buttoned up the job within a short time.
他们在短时间内就完成了那项工作 。
button up one's purseThat would make her button up her purse even tighter.
那会使她更加节省 。
button (up) one's/sb's lipsHe buttoned his lips.
他一言不发 。
Could you do something to button her lip?She's such a gossip.
你能叫她不吭声吗?她就爱说闲话 。
His privilege was to wear the top two buttons of his jacket undone.
出自:F. RaphaelI buttoned myself into my coat.
出自:R. L. Stevenson七、词语用法
n.(名词)button用作名词的基本意思是“纽扣” 。引申可表示“按钮”,还可指“没有价值的小东西” 。有时还可用来表示“徽章”“纪念章”之类的事物 。在计算机术语中, button可指鼠标上的按钮,也可指对话框中的一种图形元素 。button是可数名词 。与介词on连用可表示“在下巴尖上”,引申可指“准确地” 。v.(动词)button用作动词的意思是“扣住,系住” 。用作及物动词时,接名词或代词作宾语偶尔也可用作不及物动词,这时主动形式常含有被动意义 。button常与down, up等副词连用 。button的相关临近词
buttress、buttocks、buttons、buttony、buttonon、buttonly、buttoner、buttoned、button up、buttoning、buttondown、buttonhold
