1997年阳历1月29日子时是什么星座( 三 )

SCORPIO (Oct. 24 - Nov. 22) Do your friends think of you as secretive? Chances are, this is true. You never reveal anything about yourself or anything if there's any way you can avoid it. In long-ago lifetimes, however, you may not have been that way. You probably had very few secrets, sometimes bordering on giving too much information. The lesson to be learned here is to find a balance between the two.
天蝎:你的朋友会认为你很神秘吗?确实如此 。你从不向他人展示自己 。然而,从前的你并不是这样 。你几乎没什么秘密,有时还显得有些唠叨 。对你而言,最重要的就是在这二者之间找到平衡了 。
SAGITTARIUS (Nov. 23 - Dec. 21) You enjoy a good time, but often your idea of fun is different from that of your friends. There are times when you'll pass on a good party to attend a lecture on a highly intellectual subject that would bore most people. You probably came to terms with frivolity in lifetimes in which you learned most of what you knew from observing life. You do that still, but you prefer intellectual puzzles.
射手:自由乐观的射手座过着无忧无虑生活,不过你的享乐方式与朋友们大相径庭 。也许为了达成一致你会做出妥协,然而你还是偏爱智慧的游戏 。
CAPRICORN (Dec. 22 - Jan. 20) In spite of the fact that you're a very career-oriented person, there are times when you long to spend all your time at home. This results from previous lives in which your home was your entire world. In this life, you're meant to be successful in the world outside your home — and probably, you are. But don't forget to channel energy into your home as well. Remember, the keyword is balance.
摩羯:事业至上的你有时也渴望家的温暖 。这全是因为在你的前世中家就是你的整个世界 。今生,你意欲取得家庭之外的一切成功,但是千万不要忘了多花些精力陪家人哦 。
AQUARIUS (Jan. 21 - Feb. 19) Do your eyes well up with tears when you hear about victims of war or famine, people whom you'll never know, but still feel a connection with? In prior incarnations, you never even thought about these people. Your family and friends were all that you cared about. Now, in this incarnation, you're meant to look beyond your immediate circle and realize that we're all one family. Think about it!
水瓶:每当听到即便与你根本没有任何关系的人饱受战争或饥荒的疾苦时,你的眼中是否都噙满了泪水呢?然而在你的前生是决不可能为这些人悲伤的,只有你的家人和朋友才能牵动你的心 。如今,你已明白了世界就是一个大家庭的道理 。
PISCES (Feb. 20 - Mar. 20) As a native of the twelfth sign of the Zodiac, your previous lifetimes have covered almost all the lessons outlined above. The main one for you, however, is embracing spiritual practices and expressing your feelings about life through art. In past lives, you were very practical and down to earth, perhaps too much so. In the present lifetime, you're meant to look above and beyond it all.
双鱼:作为黄道带中最接近自然的一个星座,鱼儿的前世包含了上述所有星座的经历 。过去,你是一个非常实际的人 。现在,你怀抱理想,渴望超越一切 。
Aries Forget about someone killing you softly. This man had better be ready to take you, caveman-style.An Aries animus reeks of raw, heroic power – the kind of man who will barge in, seize the moment and save his damsel from distress, all while leaping tall buildings in a single bound 。
白羊座——白羊座女性对那些温柔的男人没有兴趣,而大男人往往更能捕获她的芳心 。她的男性意向具有勇猛的、英雄般的能力——那类男人会突然出现,轻轻一跳便能越过高楼,同时抓住机会将他的姑娘从危难中解救出来 。
Taurus This man had better understand all the nooks and crannies involved Your Inner Masculine Side in sensual pleasure when it comes to magnetizing a Taurus woman. Her inner male counterpart wrote the book on celebrating the body beautiful. With a voice like velvet and a Rock-of- Gibraltar personality,nothing short of the perfect gentle beast will do for this stubborn beauty 。
金牛座——要想迷住金牛座女性,这个男人一定要深谙鱼水之欢 。她内心对应的那个男性意向对展现外在美很在行 。想追求她的男性必须拥有天鹅绒般动听的嗓音、如直布罗陀岩一样坚强的性格,最重要的是,他必须温柔体贴,并拥有健硕的身材——只有这样的优秀男性才能吸引倔强的金牛座美女 。
【1997年阳历1月29日子时是什么星座】Gemini The Gemini animus is the beguiling Don Juan, with enough tricks up his sleeve to keep his woman eternally enthralled ... or confused ... or both. He's the cutie who perfectly crow about his online profile, adopts a bad-boy persona and flirts like hell 。
