1997年阳历1月29日子时是什么星座( 二 )

TIPS:Patience and caution are your advantages.
学习相 你的优点是坚持不懈和谨慎.
关于各个星座的英语美文篇2ARIES (Mar. 21- April 20) In previous lifetimes, you always did the proper thing. You ate, dressed, worked, and lived just the way everyone else did. Conforming made you feel comfortable and accepted, yet at times you went too far, going against your principles because others believed differently. Now you're meant to stand up and be counted. Your point of view, your chosen way of life, is just as valid as anyone else's.
白羊:前世的你循规蹈矩,吃穿住行与他人并无异样,按部就班的生活让你感觉舒适和自然然而,有时你也会因与人意见相左打破自己的原则 。现在是你更加鲜明地表达自己的立场的时候了 。用自己的方式生活不失为最明智的选择 。
TAURUS (April. 21-May 21) You love nice things, but often you deprive yourself of them, even when you can afford it. After all, do you really need to buy that bestseller when you can get it at the library? In several lifetimes, you were, frankly, a miser. You lived like a pauper when you had plenty of money. Now, you need to accept that it's all right to enjoy nice things. They are part of the gifts of the Earth.
金牛:牛儿喜欢一切美好的事物 。然而天生吝啬的你即便腰缠万贯却过着如叫花子一般的生活 。做了好几辈子的守财奴,现在的你也该换一种活法了 。尽情享受美好的生活吧,它们是上天恩赐的礼物 。
GEMINI (May 22 - June 21) The simple things in life fascinate you: clouds, flowers, ripples on the creek. You could walk or sit for hours, observing whatever you encounter. Throughout many incarnations, you were a scholar, caught up in higher knowledge: law, philosophy, theology, science. You rarely took the time to notice the simple things — and the profound truths they represent. In this life, you're meant to notice them. Keep it up!
双子:所有简单的事情都能叫你着迷 。前世,你是一个探求新知的学者,涉及的领域包括法律、哲学、神学和科教 。你不会花太多的时间找出事实 。今生,你可要多加留意这些事情哦 。
CANCER (June 22 - July 22) You love your home, and there isn't a place on Earth you'd rather be. Your family is top priority and, as a result, you're very deeply loved. But you weren't always this way. There were lifetimes in which you cared about nothing but business. Whether you were a king, a merchant, or a simple farmer, you probably knew your associates better than you knew your family. This lifetime should balance the scales.
巨蟹:再也找不出比家更让蟹子眷念的地方了,家在你的心中有着无与伦比的地位 。但是,除了家你还应关注其它的事情 。因为无论你是国王、商人,还是个普通的农民,都有需要你了解和掌握的东西 。今生,你要好好学会平衡 。
LEO (July 23 - Aug. 22) Are you often teased because of your big ego? It's OK! You're meant to acknowledge your own magnificence now, because previous personalities were too busy taking care of the poor and downtrodden. You treated each and every one as if they were part of your own family. Now it's your turn. The secret is to be quietly aware of your strength without coming off as a braggart.
狮子:你是否经常因自己的妄自尊大而遭到众人的嘲笑呢?这就是你必须了解的自己的弱点 。现在便是你痛改前非的大好时机了,以平凡的姿态对人不是会达到更好的效果吗?
VIRGO (Aug. 23 - Sept. 23) Priest, priestess, monk, nun, healer — you've been them all, dedicated to the spiritual life, retiring from the world, though willing to help others in their time of need. In this life, you may have found yourself cast into the world of mundane commerce. You're responsible for administration, management, personnel, and such. You may still long for the cloister, but learn this lesson first.
处女:前世,你完全沉溺在精神的世界里,或循入空门,或隐居田园 。今生,你却发现自己不可避免地落入商业的世俗生活中,要对许许多多多的事情负责 。尽管你渴望回到过去,然而你要首先学会生活 。
LIBRA (Sept. 24 - Oct. 23) Society — and its expectations of you — tends to be very important to you. Your manners are impeccable, you feel most comfortable when you behave in a way that others consider acceptable. In past lives, you didn't. Previous personalities may have been egotistical, arrogant, and somewhat selfish. Therefore, it's your job in this life to behave yourself and to be very nice to everyone.
天秤:秤子有着很强的社会责任感 。你行事稳妥,得到大家的一致认可 。然而过去的你是个任性自私和傲慢无礼的人 。因此,如果还想继续维持自己在他人心中好的形象,你可要好好表现哦 。
