哪种水果用英语怎么说 哪种用英语怎么说?

Tree Planting Festival (arbor day)"Arbor Day" is a legal form of a number of countries required to promote forest benefits, and the obligation to mobilize the masses to participate in reforestation activities, the content for the festival. According to the length of time can be divided into tree-planting day, week, or tree planting tree planting month, general Arbor Day. Through such activities, to stimulate people's love of forests, afforestation feelings, enhance people's awareness of the usefulness of forests, promote greening, reaching love forest conservation and expansion of forest resources and improve the ecological environment.The origins of Arbor DayArbor Day is the United States, Nebraska initiated. April 10, 1872, Morton in Nebraska in the United States at the Garden Society meeting, proposed the establishment of Arbor Day's proposal. The state adopted the recommendations of Morton, and April 22 each year given the state's Arbor Day, and in 1932 released the world's first Arbor Day stamp, the picture for the two children in tree planting, after the U.S. states as well as countries around the world have to respond.China's Arbor DayAlthough planting trees in ancient China to persuade the public to say, but by the state law expressly provides Arbor Day on the form is the modern thing. July 31, 1915 the Chinese government provides for an annual Arbor Day when the Chinese Ching Ming Festival, when the tree-planting ceremony was held across the country to organize reforestation activities. *** Government in April 1928 to commemorate Sun Yat-sen and death, changed the original Arbor Day March 12 of each year. ******* After the establishment of the Fifth National People's Congress Standing Committee of the sixth meeting of the February 1979 decision of March 12 each year for Arbor Day,In September 1984 of the Sixth National People's Congress adopted seven amendments "******* Forest Law, "General Principles provides that:" Afforestation, protection of forests is a civic obligation, "thus bringing into afforestation of the law.China's Arbor Day is scheduled for March 12. In February 1979, China's sixth meeting of the Fifth National People's Congress decided to March 12 each year as Arbor Day in China. In December 1981, the Fourth Session of the Fifth National People's Congress passed the "carrying out a nationwide voluntary tree-planting campaign on the resolution", the State Council promulgated the following year a nationwide voluntary tree-planting campaign in the concrete implementation. Arbor before and after planting trees all over the country should focus on the activities of 。
你姓什么?、What is your name?
打扰一下、Excuse me,
铅笔盒、pencil cases
给莫人打电话、people called in to sb.
一串钥匙、bunch of keys
在失物招领处、the lost and found
他的双肩背包、his backpack shoulders bag
你的手表、your watch,

你的笔记本、your notebook
3本词典、3 dictionary
4只铅笔、4 pencils
一张莫人家的照片、a photo of the family of sb.
看..、那些事什么?、Look at those things
他们是我的父母亲、They are my parents
这些是我的姑姑、他们是我的叔叔、These are my aunt, who is my uncle
什么的英文为:What 。what英式发音 [w?t] , 美式发音 [wɑ:t] 。意思是:(用以询问某人或某事物的词)什么 , 多少;…的事物…的(事物或人) , (用于感叹句中) , (用以表示不相信或惊奇);(用以表示未听清楚对方说的话) 。

1、What do you want?
2、You can imagine what it would be like driving a car into a brick wall at 30 miles an hour
你可以想象汽车以每小时30英里的速度撞向一堵砖墙结果会怎样 。
3、What precisely triggered off yesterday's riot is still unclear
究竟是什么引发了昨天的骚乱还不清楚 。
4、He drinks what is left in his glass as if it were water
他把杯子里剩下的东西当水一样全喝了下去 。
5、'Dad?' — 'What?' — 'Can I have the car tonight?'

6、'They could paint this place,' she said. 'What?' he asked.
“他们可以粉刷这个地方 , ”她说 。“什么?”他问 。
7、What a horrible thing to do
8、It's, what, eleven years or more since he's seen him
打从他上次见他 , 已有 , 嗯 , 11年甚至更久了 。
9、Guess what? I'm going to dinner at Mrs. Combley's tonight
你猜怎么着?今晚我要去康伯利夫人家里赴宴 。
10、Look at that moon. Is that beautiful or what?
看看那月亮 , 它真漂亮 , 不是吗?
