- Graph-level prediction 预测整图或子图的类别或性质
以fraud detection为例:软件栈
- Tabformer数据集
- workflow
- 计算平面
- 【GNN 101】数据平面
SW ChallengesGraph SamplerFor
many small graphs
datasets, full batch training works most time. Full batch training means we can do training on whole graph; When it comes to one large graph
datasets, in many real scenarios, we meet Neighbor Explosion
problem;Neighbor Explosion:Graph sampler comes to rescue. Only sample a fraction of target nodes, and furthermore, for each target node, we sample a sub-graph of its ego-network for training.This is called mini-batch training. Graph sampling is triggered for each data loading.And the hops of the sampled graph equals the GNN layer number . Which means graph sampler in data loader is important in GNN training.
Challenge: How to optimize sampler both as standalone and in training pipe?
When graph comes to huge(billions of nodes, tens of billions of edges), we meet new at-scale challenges:
- How to store the huge graph across node? -> graph partition
- How to build a training system w/ not only distributed model computing but also distributed graph store and sampling?
- How to cut the graph while minimize cross partition connections?
- How to cut the graph while minimize cross partition connections?
A possible GNN distributed training architecture:
- Fuse adjacent graphs ops
One common fuse pattern for GCN & GraphSAGE:
Challenge: How to fuse more GNN patterns on different ApplyEdge and ApplyVertex,automatically?
- How to implement fused Aggregate
- Different graph data structureslead to different implementations in same logic operations;
- Different graph characteristics favors different data structures;(like low-degree graphs favor COO, high-degree graphs favor CSR)
- How to find the applicable zone for each and hide such complexity to data scientists?
- Different graph data structureslead to different implementations in same logic operations;
- Inference challenge
- GNN inference needs full batch inference, how to make it efficient?
- Distributed inference for big graph?
- Vector quantization for node and edge features?
- GNN distilled to MLP?
- GNN inference needs full batch inference, how to make it efficient?
- SW-HW co-design challenge
- How to relief irregular memory access in scatter-gather?
- Do we need some data flow engine for acceleration?
- How to relief irregular memory access in scatter-gather?
- …
- Graph + AI: What’s Next? Progress in Democratizing Graph for All
- Recent Advances in Efficient and Scalable Graph Neural Networks
- Crossing the Chasm – Technology adoption lifecycle
- Understanding and Bridging the Gaps in Current GNN Performance Optimizations
- Automatic Generation of High-Performance Inference Kernels for Graph Neural Networks on Multi-Core Systems
- Understanding GNN Computational Graph: A Coordinated Computation, IO, And Memory Perspective
- 知识图谱实体对齐2:基于GNN嵌入的方法
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