kafka-consumer-groups 命令行工具使用手册( 三 )

【kafka-consumer-groups 命令行工具使用手册】可以为某些用例设置的超时 。例如 , 在显示消费者组的详情时 , 可以使用它来指定在组稳定之前等待的最长时间(以毫秒为单位)(当组刚刚创建或正在经历一些更改时),默认值:5000

The topic whose consumer group information should be deleted or topic whose should be included in the reset offset process. In reset-offsets case, partitions can be specified using this format: topic1:0,1,2, where 0,1,2 are the partition to be included in the process. Reset-offsets also supports multiple topic inputs.
Provide additional information, if any, when describing the group. This option may be used with '--offsets'/'--members'/'--state' and '--bootstrap-server' options only.
Example: --bootstrap-server localhost:9092 --describe --group group1 --members --verbose
在描述组时提供其他信息(如果有的话) 。此选项只能与 --offsets --members --state --bootstrap-server 选项一起使用 。
Display Kafka version.
