
/s?n; s?n/ n 1 (also the sun) [sing] the star around which the earth orbits and from which it receives lightand warmth 太阳; 日: the sun"s rays 太阳的光线 * sendinga space probe to the sun 向太阳发射一个航天探测器 * A watery sun shone through the rain-clouds. 太阳透过雨云发出有雨意的光. 2 (also the sun) [sing, U] light and warmth from the sun; sunshine 太阳的光和热; 日光; 阳光: sit in the sun 坐在阳光下 * have the sun in one"s eyes 阳光照眼 * draw the curtains to shut out/let in the sun 拉窗帘遮蔽[放进]阳光 * I like lots of sun on holiday. 我喜欢在假日里多晒太阳. 3 [C] any star, esp one around which planets orbit 星体; (尤指)恒星: There are many suns larger than ours. 有许多恒星比我们的太阳还要大. 4 (idm 习语) catch the sun => catch1.make hay while the sun shines => hay. a place in the sun => place1. under the `sun (anywhere) in the world 在世界上(任何地方): the best wine under the sun 世界上最好的酒 * every country under the sun 世界上每一个国家. with the `sun at dawn or sunset 在日出或日落时; 在黎明或傍晚时分: get up/go to bed with the sun 黎明即起[日落而息].
FL 。haO22.com
v (-nn-) [Tn] `~ oneself expose oneself to the rays of the sun 晒太阳: He sat in a deck-chair `sunning himself. 他坐在帆布躺椅上晒太阳.
abbr 缩写 = Sunday: Sun 1 June 6月1日, 星期日.

肯定是 in the sun.
FL 。haO22.com
多数人说是under the sun,原因就是很久以前流行过一本小说叫
“Evil Under the Sun”那会儿全都翻译成“阳光下的罪恶” 。其实应该翻译成“光天化日下的罪恶” 。因为“under the sun”的意思是“光天化日”“天下 ”的意思 。是一种抽象的概念 。而in the sun则是一种比较具体的概念 。比如说“顶着太阳在田地里干活儿 。”翻译过来就是“Working in the field in the sun.”
.GKY47 { display:none; } 【太阳的英文怎么写 太阳英语怎么写】
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