

China the great father of Hyb*d Rice - Mr 。Yuan Lon*ing,was born in Beijing,he is o* great Chinese *ce enginee*ng,biolo* p*fessor,the United Nations Food Industry consultant 。F*m the beginning of 19*, Mr 。Yuan Lon*ing be* studying hyb*d *ce technolo*, to 1975 study succes*ul cultivation techniques of hyb*d *ce,hyb*d *ce he for large area p*motion foundation 。In 19*to 1*5in *o *ce blossom season,he and the team *ry day is so hard, feet on the mud,long bow,not tired a day and night ,  holding long-term backache,finally in the paddy fields found a nat*al *le ste*le plants 。Yuan Lon*ing expe*enced *ny fail*es,he did not flinch, he let us Chinese p*de,let the whole world people sit up and take notice!
【袁隆平英语作文】*伟大*杂交水稻之父-袁隆平先生,出生于北京,他是我们**伟大*水稻工程学家、生物教授、*粮食业首席顾问 。从19*年开始,袁隆平先生就开始研究杂交水稻技术,至1975年研究成*杂交水稻种植技术,他为大面积推广杂交水稻奠定了基* 。在19*年至1*5年两年*水稻开花季节里 , 他与研究小组每一天都是如此*辛苦,双脚踩在烂泥中,长久*低头弯腰,不知劳累了多少个**夜夜,强*着长期*腰酸背痛,最后在稻田里发现一种天然雄*不育*植株 。袁隆平先生经历*很多失败,他并没有退缩,他让我们*人骄傲,让全世界*人刮目相看!
Yuan Lon*ing *born September 7,1930* is a Chinese ag*cult*al scientist and educator,known for d*loping the first hyb*d *ce va*eties in the 1970s 。His "hyb*d *ce" has since been g*wn in dozens of count*es in Af*ca,Ame*ca,and Asia ―p*viding a *bust food so*ce in high famine *sk areas 。
Mr 。Yuan won the State Preeminent Science and Technolo* Award of China in 2000,the Wolf P*ze in ag*cult*e
and the World Food P*ze in 2004 。He is c*rently is DirectorGeneral of the China National Hyb*d Rice R&D Center andhas been appointed as P*fessor at Hunan Ag*cult*al University,Changsha 。He is a member of the Chinese Acade my of Enginee*ng,forei* associate of the US National Academy of Sciences *2006* and the 2006 CPPCC 。
Mr 。Yuan was born in Beijing,China 。He loves playing Majong and the Erhu *Chinese violin* , swimming and motorcycling 。
