二零零八年五月十二*二点二十八分,我国**发生了八点零级特大地震,地震使房屋* , 交通通讯中断,许多小朋友和老师被埋......
温*在地震后两个小时赶到了地震*,视察灾情,看望灾民 , 指挥抗灾,温*对失去亲人*小朋友特别关心,对哭泣不止*小女孩,他饱含深情地说:“你们虽然失去了亲人,但我们会管你们*,*会管你* 。”此情此景,我激动*掉下了眼泪 。
【为汶川大地震捐款作文】*、消防官兵、武警部队第一时间赶到震区,他们利用各种机械工具,甚至用手刨,抢救许多埋在*下*人,每一个人成*救出,我都为他们鼓掌 。
地震给**带来*损失太大了,为了使**有吃、有喝、有住、小朋友有学上,为了灾后重建 , 全国*都为*捐款捐物,我们学校也和全国一样 , 也举办了募捐活动,我捐了五十元钱,有人比我捐*还多,我想在下次捐钱时超过他们 。
为了悼念在这次地震中**同胞,国家决定,五月十二*至五月二十一*为全国** 。五月十九*,我校国旗降了半旗 , 下午二点二十八分,全校师生在各自*班级和*场上,*三分钟,好多同学都哭了 。
*大地震后发生*一切一切、一幕一幕,使我仿佛长大了许多,懂得了更多 。“天灾无情,人间有爱 。”我*祖国真好,*真伟大 。我一定好好学*报效祖国,报效* 。
Teachers and fellow students,
As we all know, an 8.0 earthquake b*ke out at 2:28pm on May 12th in Wenchuan, SichuanP*vince.
It’s reported that the earthquake was so st*ng that it has c*sed 68,109 deaths and 3*,552 people were hurt. Many houses and schools were dest*yed and as a consequence, * than five million people are living a hard life now. Just i*gine how the students there need * and that schools should be built so that students can return to classes soon.
People all over the world are trying their best to * them, not excepting us. Here Students’ Union calls on *ryone to give away your old clothes and pocket money and b*ng your used books, mp3s or something else to sell in the b*ng-and-buy sale. All the *te*als and the money to be collected will be sent to the earthquake st*cken areas as soon as possible.
My fellow f*ends, “blood is thicker than water”. Please donate your love and give out your hands without hesitation. We beli* *acles can be created, a great *ny lives will be saved and the harmonious society is sure to be achi*d.
That’s all. Thank you.
五月十二*下午我听说*发生了里氏8.0级*地震,听了这个*,我就在学校里赶紧把作业做完,在回家*路上,公交车上就有好多人在议论*地震了,好多学校*房屋都*了 。吃完饭后,我就迫不及待地打开电视机看新闻联播,此时电视上正在播放*地震*情况,我看到好多房屋*了,其中有一个小孩被压在**房屋下面,那些被地震伤害*人们,已经失去了往**笑容……让人感到心酸想哭 。随后,每天放学后我都在关注*地震情况 。
二十*上午,谢老师说:“同学们,让我们为*送上自己*一片爱心,下午我们开展捐款活动” 。下午,我就带上平时省下*20元零花钱,在捐款活动时把它捐给*,并暗暗祝福*小朋友都能够像我们一样背上新书包上学 , 有房子住,同时希望**明天更加美好!