


*篇文章将会为您介绍,高分邀请人来讲座*英语范文推荐*有关内容,相信有很多网友们都很想了解,下面就由小编我来为您详细介绍一下 。
高分英语作文1:Invite people to the lecture >Telephone: the student union of our university has decided to invite an international student to serve as an English learning consultant next semester. The *in responsibilities include *ing students practice oral English, answe*ng their questions, *ing to or*ize activities such as singing English songs, English *ning parties or lectures on interesting topi*. The applicant should be native English and fluent in Chinese.
The consultant is expected to work hours per week. If you are interested, please call Li Hua for the interview fee. The * fee will be discussed du*ng the student union of Yucai high school.
>:我校学生会决定下学期邀请一名国际学生担任英语学**人,就不要沮丧,但是在他们*努力下,他们终于走出了阴影,过上了成**一生 。
