中文在线翻译英语 在线中文英文翻译

【中文在线翻译英语 在线中文英文翻译】

中文在线翻译英语 在线中文英文翻译

大家好,小龙来为大家解答以上的问题 。在线中文英文翻译,中文在线翻译英语这个很多人还不知道,现在让我们一起来看看吧!
1、1. U.S. players except Onesweep magic brush, can remove hair on the surface of various materialsDust, 100% natural and durable rubber, will not wear, crack, or deformation. 2. By a strong electrostatic principle, light hair brush completely non-stick easy to carry. 3. For pets and clothing, furniture, bed sheets. 4. Effective and fast the hair, brush off the dust concentration, while dry and wet two. 5. Can be directly used in the dog who can also help dog brush massageReplace hair comb dog down, but when taking a bath brush to use. 6. Brush attached to the wiper blade can be used. Use the glass top. 7. The comb surface static electricity due to friction can be easily attached to the dander, hair in the cleaning process will not be flying! 8. Clean and sanitary, one can use water to clean brushes. 。
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