新闻报道英语作文 新闻报道英语作文80词

新闻报道英语作文 新闻报道英语作文80词

大家好,小龙来为大家解答以上的问题 。新闻报道英语作文80词,新闻报道英语作文这个很多人还不知道,现在让我们一起来看看吧!
1、你好 我在美国上大三 有较强论文水平 希望能够帮助你The Australian Middle School Student Visit Our SchoolA delegation of 10 Australian Middle school students visited our school on June 2nd.They arrived at around 9am.Everyone in our school were really excited about this and gave them warm welcomes.The welcoming ceremony started at 9:30.Our headmaster and foreign friends gave some speeches respectively.After the meeting, our foreign friends visited our classrooms, labs, libraries and school-oriented factories.They felt very happy about them and they decided to take a english class with us.At 3pm foreign friends have a symposium with part of our students and teachers.The delegation team left at 5pm.Both they and we had agood time. 。
【新闻报道英语作文 新闻报道英语作文80词】本文到此分享完毕,希望对大家有所帮助 。
