Our campus is a be*tiful place bedding.
Sp*ng blooming is so b*ght. Report comes as the first yellow winter ja*ine *ce, if necessary, a winter energy savings are blooming out, shaking Dousou can shake the spi*t of the. Begonia is not far behind followed by a stubborn one seems to *ke the flowers open. Colored *se, pink peony bloom. We see these students have forgotten the be*tiful flowers of all, what wor*es the exam, the teacher must work to stay ... .... Ding ding ding ding clang clang class, and we have lots of energy back to the class*om. Oh! Flower bed had a "fatigue cleaning agent."
Summer, flower beds, the flowers although not those b*ght flowers, but flower bed next to a lot of students still often Why? Where the o*ginal has softened a green velvet umbrella, good good great, unique look angry. To the tree is also very cool, I immediately felt like to be infected with the spi*t of times. Abstract occasionally a leaf, a b*ght child is also clearly visible veins on the slightest, it *kes me feel a life force!
Autumn leaves, golden yellow or red and sometimes dance like a butterfly, sometimes a be*tiful ele*t arc, then slowly fall. Somehow, do not end the fall, winter total rush came, night work in a crystal flower beds, snow. I heard the teacher say: only expe*enced a winter of snow, the sp*ng can be shaped by the bonus Liulv.
Th*ughout the year, the campus flower beds are always so be*tiful, always attracted me and my students, with our g*wth.
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