
一、慢慢来吧 好与不好都随缘而遇
Take your time. Good and bad go hand in hand
二、虽然一个人自由自在 但我更期待你存在
Although a person free, but I look forward to your existence
Listening to 10 thousand reasons is not as good as taking a fall
【一眼心动万分的文案,心心念念,让人流连忘返!】三、我已经期待夏天 , 还有即将到来的你
I have been looking forward to the summer, and the upcoming you
四、慢慢期待吧人美酒更美文案 , 所有的美好都奔你而来
Look forward to it slowly, all the good is coming to you
五、真正的陪伴经得起坎河人美酒更美文案 , 经得起冷淡
True companionship can stand the Kan River and stand the coldness
Interesting souls will meet
七、总会相逢的 , 就像山川河流 , 万河归海
We will always meet, just like mountains and rivers, rivers return to the sea
八、好听的话不要去听 感觉不到就是没有.
Don't listen to anything nice. You can't feel it. You just don't have it.
Blame all the unanswered likes on bad reception.
Is it important to wash your hair to see people or not to wash your hair to see people.
十一、我在秋天储存浪漫 还在冬天馈赠给你.
I store romance in the fall and give it to you in the winter.
十二、今日无碍 明日无忧 秋冬还长 你我皆好.
Today is no problem, tomorrow is no worry, autumn and winter are still long, you and I are all good.
Don't take away your happiness today because of someone else's words
十四、你能找个理由难过 也能找个理由开心
You can find a reason to be sad and a reason to be happy
十五、生活不是攀比 , 幸福源自真心
Life is not comparison, happiness comes from sincerity
The old nursery rhyme says that every girl is made of sugar, spices and all that is good is only a little worse than an angel
I started to give up something and tell myself it wasn't a pity
Insecure children who are left behind once will question all love
