happy new year英语手抄报模板

happy new year英语手抄报模板

Happy new year英语手抄报模板
新年英语手抄报内容Happy new year. 新年快乐
I wish you Happy New Year!
Good luck, and Happy New Year!
新年快乐 , 并祝你好运!
All the family join me in wishing you a happy New Year.
全家人和我一起祝你新年快乐 。
New year's Eve 除夕
【happy new year英语手抄报模板】They held a party on New Year's Eve.
他们在除夕举行了晚会 。
We all went to a party on New Year's Eve.
我们都去参加了除夕晚会 。
Are you coming to the new year's Eve party this year?
Lucky money 压岁钱
Children get lucky money.
孩子得到了压岁钱 。
Lucky money for you.
这是给你的压岁钱 。
I got so much lucky money during the spring festival.
过年时我拿了很多压岁钱 。
Family reunion dinner 年夜饭
We ate Family reunion dinner together, watched the Spring Festival Gala.
我们一起吃了年夜饭 , 看了春节联欢晚会 。
We usually have fish for Family reunion dinner.
年夜饭我们通常要吃鱼 。
It was our custom to have Family reunion dinner on the evening of New Year's Eve.
我们是习惯地在大除夕夜里吃年夜饭的 。
免责声明:图片来源于无氧呼吸-sy , 仅作学习参考 , 其他用途请联系原作者 , 如有侵权请联系我们删除 。
