三月文案暖心 三月文案2022


三月文案暖心 三月文案2022


1.凡事都有先来后到 , 先苦后甜也不例外 。
Everything comes first and then comes, so is the bitter first and then the sweet.
2.好好生活 , 不要总是跟自己过不去 。
Live a good life, don't always get along with yourself.
【三月文案暖心 三月文案2022】3.不管背影多沧桑 , 我都倔强的不低头 。
No matter how vicissitudes of my baCK, I'm stubborn.
4.每次想放弃时 , 就告诉自己熬过去就是前程似锦 。
Every time you want to give up, tell yourself that the past is a bright future.
5.学会做自己 , 并优雅地放手不属于自己的 。
Learn to be yourself and let go gracefully what doesn't belong to you.
6.别再去想那些 , 已经走散在彼此生活中的人了 。
Don't think about the people who have been separated in each other's lives.
7.想被喜欢的事 , 想做的事填满生活 。
I want to be filLED with what I like and what I want to do.
8.全心全意开始 , 开始生活 , 开始爱自己 。
Start wholeheartedly, start to live, start to love yourself.
9.使人快乐的永远是拥有 , 而不是期待 。
What makes people happy is always to have, not to expect.
10.女生活得要像冰美式 , 不是所有人都喜欢 , 可喜欢的人却会很上头 。
Women's life should be like ice American style. Not everyone likes it, but people who like it will be very popular.
11.不要因为一时的难过 , 否定了所有的热爱 。
Don't deny all your love just because you are sad for a moment.
12.喜欢自己 , 最基本 , 也最终身 。
Like yourself, the most basic, but also the most lifelong.
