售磐和售罄怎么读 售罄怎么读

介词短语是英语学习中的重点 , 下面将中学阶段必须掌握的介词相关的成语动词和介词成语整理分享给大家 。
agree with同意(某人意见)
agree to同意(某种安排等)
answer for对...负责
appear for 为...出庭
ask for要求得到(见某人等)
bank on 依靠
bear with容忍
break with 和...断绝关系
burst into (tears)突然(哭起来)
call for 来找(某人),要求 , 需要
come across 碰到
come by 得到
count on 指望
enter for 参与(比赛等)
fly into (a rage)勃然(大怒)
get into碰到(困难等)
get over克服,(病)愈
get about 干(活) , 履行(职责等)
go after 追求
go into调查
hang on 取决于
head for向...前进
hiton 想起(某主意)
jump at 立即接受
keep at 继续(干某事)
keep from 避免(做某事)
live on 靠...生活
look after照顾 , 照看
look for 找寻
look into 调查
make after 追赶
pass for 冒充(某人)
press for 要求
run across (into)碰到
run into碰到(困难)
run through用完
see about 负责处理
see through 看破
stand by 支持
stand for 主张
stand on (ceremony)客气
stick to 坚持
touch on 提到(某问题)
wait on 招待
2.【动词+ 副词+介词】
back on to 背后是
boil down to 归结是
break out into 出(疹子)
brush up on 复习
come across with 讲出来
come down on斥责
come in for 受到(批评)
come out against 表示反对
come out with 推出(产品等)
come up against 碰到
come upto达到(水平)
come up with 提出(建议等)
cry out against 大声疾呼地反对
do away with 废除
fall back on 转而依靠
face up to 面对
fall behind with 迟迟未交(房租)
feel upto 感到想(做某事)
get away with(犯罪)不受惩罚
get down to 开始认真考虑
get on for 快到(某时)b抢
get on with 继续进行(某事)
give on to 面对(花园等)
go back on(说了话)不遵守
go in for 从事(某项活动)
go off with 和...私奔
go through with 把...进行到底
keep up with 跟上(发展)
live up to达到(期望)
look down on 看不起
look forward to 盼望
look out for 当心
look up to 敬重(某人)
make up for 弥补
make up to 拍...马屁
put up with 忍受
run out of 用完
run up against 碰到
stand out against 坚决反对
stand out for 坚决要求
stand up to 面对(危险等)
stick out for 坚持要求
除了成语动词 , 英语中还有大量成语由介词构成 , 单是一些常用介词可构成大量成语:
at a stretch 一连 , 连续地
at a time 一次 , 每次
at all events 不管怎样
at all costs 不惜一切代价
at any rate 不管怎样ai
at all hazards 不顾一切危险
at fault 有错误
at ease 稍息 , 安心
at first 最初 , 开始时
at first sight一见(钟情)
at hand 不远 , 快到
at heart 在内心
at home 在家随便
at large 逍遥法外 , 未被关注
at last 最后
at least 至少
at length最后 , 详细地
at leisure 从容不迫地
at liberty自由 , 有权(做某事)
at the moment 此刻
at once 立即 , 同时
at one blow (stroke) 一下子
at one's fingertips 非常熟悉
at most 至多
at one's wit"s end 计穷 ,  没有办法
at one's service 听候吩咐
at play(work)在玩要(工作)
at peace(war)处于和平(战争)状态
at random 随意地.胡乱地
at present 现在 , 目前
at the earliest (latest) 至早(迟)
at sea 茫然 , 不知所措
at the risk of 冒...的危险
at the outset 从一开头
at the same time (与此)同时
at the start 一开头
at the top of one's voice 高声地
at the time 此刻 , 这时
at times 有时候 at will 任意地
by accident 偶然
by air 航空
by all means 想一切办法
by any chance 碰巧,恰好
by birth 出身...
by bus (plane, etc.) 坐巴士(飞机等)
by chance 偶然
by cheque 用支票
by credit card用信用卡
by choice 出于自愿
