美域高miyuko 美域高

这个期间 , 咱们所憧憬的理念寓居空间 , 该当是什么格式?咱们的安排师在这个大作中 , 试图回复这个题目 , 用十足大概的办法 , 勾画出一幕幕:如玉般优美和缓的生存 。
In this era, what should our ideal living space look like? In this work, our designers try to answer this question and outline scenes of a beautiful and warm life like jade in all possible ways.

美域高miyuko  美域高

厦门 , 这座汗青长久的海滨之城 , 体验期间和时间的打磨 , 渐渐表露出如璞玉般的和缓质感与光彩 , 经年之累 , 优美如玉 。
Xiamen, a seaside city with a long history, has experienced the polishing of the times and time, gradually showing the gentle texture and brilliance like raw jade. Afteryears of fatigue, it is as beautiful as jade.
美域高miyuko  美域高

在所有安排大作中 , 都会 , 人 , 艺术 , 生存 , 以及她们之间的联系 , 变成安排干线 , 将所有空间用和缓放荡的安排语汇酣畅淋漓的表白 。
In the whole design work, the city, people, art, life, and the relationship between them become the main line of the design, expressing the whole space incisively and vividly with warm and romantic design vocabulary.
美域高miyuko  美域高

一经雕刻的玉为璞玉 , 一经冶金的金为浑金 。安装的切割面是由金和石(璞玉)贯串 , 浑然天成 , 更佳的解释了浑金璞玉 。
Uncarved jade is raw jade, and un *** elted gold is muddy gold. The cutting surface of the installation is made of gold and stone (uncut jade), which are naturally formed, which best interprets uncut jade and gold.
集美在地舆上又被称为集美半岛 , 临海的海岸线长约60千米 , 波浪更是这个地区不行缺乏的得意之一 , 销控台顶部的灯饰恰是应用了波浪与海岸的联系 , 把波浪带进室内 , 真实展现了什么是天然之美 。
美域高miyuko  美域高

Jimei is also known as Jimei Peninsula in geography. The coastline near the sea is about 60 kilometers long. The waves are one of the indispensable scenery in this area. The lighting on the top of the sales console uses the relationship between the waves and the coast. Bringing it indoors, it truly reflects what is the beauty of nature.
“玉”从古于今是一个优美、高贵的字眼 , 用来比方和刻画十足优美的人或实物
美域高miyuko  美域高

"Jade" has been a beautiful and noble word since ancient times. It is used to describe all beautiful people or things
璞成全为琼玉的进程中难免雕刻 , 楼梯的灯饰咱们采用了只大略加工的琉璃石来解释璞玉初琢 , 灯饰的底部做出咖金色 , 琉璃石从原始石头的咖金色渐形成通明的 , 恰是华光初现的最美展现 。
美域高miyuko  美域高

In the process of the jade becoming Qiongyu, it is inevitable to carve. For the lighting of the stairs, we chose only simple processed glazed stone to interpret the initial carving of the uncut jade. The bottom of the lamp is made of coffee gold, and the glazed stone gradually changes from the original stone to transparent. Yes, it is the most beautiful embodiment of Huaguang's early appearance.
行得此间 , 已是恍然大悟之地 , 十足答案解开 , 只想清闲的余味一番 , 见周边货色的灿烂喧闹 , 只觉十足真实优美 。此处获得了谜底 , 只感触宁静和谐 , 再回顾感触尘世实物过程全力终会优美 , 如咱们的生存 。
After walking here, it is a place where all the mysteries are solved, and I just want to have a leisurely aftertaste. Seeing the splendid prosperity of the surrounding objects, I only feel that everything is really beautiful. I got the answer here, I just feel quiet and peaceful, and then I look back and sigh that things in the world will be beautiful after hard work, such as our life.
在大天然中贮存有玉之石 , 外表仍旧华而不实的 , 里面却有乾坤 , 但其在稠密石料中也是自然美质 , 未加化装 , 展示了一种天然之美 。
