10句英语过去式句子 过去式的句子

大家好,今天本篇文章就来给大家分享过去式的句子,以及10句英语过去式句子对应的知识和见解,内容偏长哪个,大家要耐心看完哦,希望对各位有所帮助,不要忘了收藏本站喔 。
1求20个一般过去时的英语句子,更好短一点 。求20个一般过去时的英语句子,更好短一点 。
1】He used to be a soldier.他曾经是一位军人 。2】He was only 19 years old when he became the world champion. 当他成为世界冠军的时候,他才19岁 。3】Jack washere just now . 杰克刚才就在这里 。4】What song did she sing just now?刚才她唱的是什么歌?5】I was in my favorite bar yesterday afternoon 。昨天下午我是在我最喜欢的酒吧 。6】Tom went to visit his high school teacher o days ago . 两天以前,汤姆去拜访了他的高中老师 。7】Tom celebrated his 24th birthday o days ago. 汤姆两天前,庆祝了他的24岁生日 。8】He asked you for the book yesterday.他昨天就向你要那本书了 。9】Did he drink tea or coffee a moment ago? 刚才他喝的是茶还是咖啡 。10】 Ford found a new job the day before yesterday.前天福特找到了一份新工作 。11】They were my clas *** ates once. 他们曾经是我的同学 。12】Ward got up early this morning .沃德今早起床起得很早 。13] What wasthe weather like last night ?昨晚的天气怎么样?14】The rain was heavy last night . 昨晚雨很大 。15】Amy went to the movies with her friend Susan last night.昨晚艾米和她的朋友苏珊一起去看电影了 。16】He was informed of his prize news an hour ago . 他是一小时以前得知他获奖的消息 。17】He was fond of writing before . 他以前非常喜欢写作 。18】We watched a very wonderful football match yesterday.昨天我们观看了一场非常精彩的足球比赛 。
求20个一般将来时的英语句子,更好短一点 。
I will go to school tomorrow ---- I will not go to school tomorrow,
He will buy a book -------He won't buy a book
She is going to watch TV-----She is not going to watch TV(这种也是一般将来时)
It will be rainy ------ It won't be rainy
You are going to read a book ---- You aren't going to read a book
The keys will be taken away--------The keys won't be taken away
I shall have lunch later------I shall not have lunch
I shall play football-------I shan't play football (shall not缩写shan't 当主语是我时可以will或shall
It is going to rain-----It isn't going to rain
I'll be a teacher-----I won't be a teacher
He will get married. 他就快结婚了
She will have a daughter.她就会有个女儿了
The cat will have a master.猫要有主人了
The pig will have a house. 猪就要有窝了
Telephone me this evening. I‘ll be at home. 今晚给我打 *** ,我会在家 。
I'll(shall/will)do a better job next time. 下次我要干得更好
The car won’t start.车开不了啦 。
Oil and water will not mix. 油和水没法混在一起 。
I'm leaving tomorrow. 明天我就要走了.
He is ing back this Sunday.这个星期他就回来了.
I will go to the zoo. 我要去动物园 。
She will write a letter. 她会写一封信 。
Will he open the window? 他会打开窗户吗?
He won't go swimming. 他不会游泳 。
I'm going to tidy my room when I get back school.当我从学校回来时我去整理我的房间 。
She is going to have a party.
She will go shopping after lunch.
I am going to by car.He is going to drink some lemonade.they are going to help mother.they are going to go to the cinema.
i'm going to help you he won't do that will you give me a hand please the question will be answered by me you will understand the question.
I will go there. I will not go there. Will you go there? It will be taken there. It will go there.
反正将来时就是 主语+will(我可以用shall)+动词原型 否定在will后面+not
另外 主语+be going to+动词原形也是 否定在be后面否定
I went swimming last week.
go swimming 是固定的搭配 去游泳
所以,就是I went swimming last week.
They _were_____(be)at home yesterday
