weeks|2021年12月英语六级考试听力原文(第2套)( 二 )

Q5:What does the man say about the woman?
Q6: What does the woman say about her newly published book?
Q7:What did the woman do before writing her new book?
Q8: What does the woman say about her writing history books?
Section B
Passage 1
Whether it's in the hands of animated polar bears or Santa Claus, there's one thing you'll find in nearly all ads for Coca-Cola, the characteristic glass bottle. Most Americans don't drink soda out of the glass bottles seen in Coke's ads anymore.But this week,the company is celebrating a century of the bottle that's been sold in more than 200 countries. Flashback to 1915, when a bottle of Coca-Cola costs just a nickel as the soft drink gained in popularity, it faced a growing number of competitors, counterfeits,even trying to copy Coke's logo.So according to Coca-Cola historian, Ted Ryan, the company decided to come up with packaging that couldn't be duplicated.A product request was sent to eight different glass makers. Workers at the root glass company got the request and began flipping through the encyclopedia at the local library, Landy gone cocoa's seed.
The cocoa's seed is not an ingredient of the soda. They designed their bottle based on the seeds that shape and large middle. It wasn't overcoat executive's in Atlanta and would go on to receive its own trademark spur collections and earn Coca-Cola an iconic image that made it part of American culture for a century.
It was 100 years ago this week that the bottle earned a package by world war Ⅱ, Coke bottle sales had ballooned into billions. Americans mostly consumed Coke out of aluminum or plastic today, but the glass bottle remains a symbol of America that's readily recognized around the world.
Q9. What does the passage say appears in almost all ads for Coca-Cola.
Q10.Why did the Coca-Cola company decide to have special packaging designed? Q11. What do they learn about the Coca-Cola bottle designed by the root glass company?
Passage 2
Trying to create some measurable improvement in mood.But most of us are reluctant to start these conversations because we presume the opposite. In an experiment, commuters who talk to nearby strangers found that commute more enjoyable than those who didn't. They were asked to predict whether they'd enjoy the commute more if they converse with other people.Intriguingly, most expect the more solitary experience to be more pleasurable. Why is this? Social anxiety appears to be the problem. People's reluctance to start conversations with nearby strangers comes partly from underestimating others' interest in connecting.
The sad thing is that people presume that a nearby stranger doesn't want to converse and don't start a conversation. Only those who force themselves to chat because it was required by the experiment found out what a pleasant experience it could be. Human beings are social animals. Those who misunderstand the impact of social interactions may not, in some context, be social enough for their own well being.You should be chatting with the strangers you encounter. You may occasionally have a negative encounter that might stick in your memory. This is because the human brain is biased to dwell on negative events.But starting conversations with strangers is still well worth the risk of rejection.
It may surprise you that conversing with strangers will make them happier too. The pleasure of connection seems contagious. People who I talk to have equally positive experiences as those who initiate a conversation.
Q12:What does research show about a conversation between strangers?
Q13: What prevents people from starting a conversation with strangers?
Q14: Why does a negative encounter with strangers stick in one's memory?
Q15: What does the passage say the pleasure of connection seems to be?
Lecture 1
The Caribbean islands are divided into two worlds,a rich one,and a poor one. This tropical region's economy is based mainly on farming. Farmers are of two types.One is the plantation owner who may have hundreds of thousands of acres. In contrast, this small cultivator is working only a few acres of land.
