weeks|2021年12月英语六级考试听力原文(第2套)( 三 )

Most visitors to the Caribbean are rich.Like the plantation owner. They do not realize or do not want to realize that many farm families barely managed to get by on what they grow.The Caribbean produces many things.Sugar is the main product. Other export crops are tobacco coffee, bananas, spices, and citrus fruits, such as orange lemon or grapefruit.
From the west Indies also come oil,mineral pitch, and many forest products. Jamaica's aluminum or supplies are the world's largest. Oil comes from Trinidad, Aruba and Carolco, but for many of the smaller islands, sugar is the only export.Rum,a strong alcoholic. We just distilled from sugar cane is also an export.
The world's best rum comes from this area. Local kinds vary from the light rums of Puerto Rico to the heavier, darker rums of Barbados and Jamaica. American tourists enjoy stocking up on inexpensive high-quality Caribbean rum while they're on vacation. In correct. the well-known vicar of that name is made for the thick, outer skin of a native orange ever since America's colonial days, the Caribbean islands have been favorite places to visit.
Since world war ll, tourism has increased rapidly because great numbers of people go there. The Islanders have built elaborate resorts, developed harbors and airfields, improved beaches and have expanded sea and air routes. Everything is at the resort, hotel, beach, shopping and recreation, the vacationer never has any reason to explore the island.
As in most places, those who have money live well, indeed, those who don't have money live at various levels of poverty, but here the poor greatly outnumber the wealthy.A visitor will find rich people living in apartments or Spanish houses at the seaside or in the countryside. Their service might include a cook, a maid and a nurse for the children.
Most of the people live well below the poverty level. In towns, they live crowded together in tiny houses. Islanders make the best they can of what they have. Their homes are quite Chevy. Sadly, most tourists never see this side of the Caribbean.
Q16:What does the speaker say about the economy of the Caribbean islands?Question Q17:What is the main product of the Caribbean islands?
Q18:What do we learn about the majority of people in the Caribbean islands?
Lecture 2
Talk to anyone who is a generation or too older, and they would most likely comment that children are most spoiled these days, no one wants to have,or be around demanding, selfish and spoiled children. Those who get bad temper will silently brood when they're not given everything they want immediately.
Paradoxically, the parents of such children courage this demanding behavior in the mistaken belief that by giving that children everything they can, that children will be happy.in the short term perhaps they are right. But in the longer term, such children end up lonely dependent, chronically dissatisfied and resentful of the parents who tried so hard to please them.
Undoubtedly, parents want to raise happy children who are confident, capable, and likable rather than spoiled and miserable.(20) One factor hindering this is that parents can't,or don't spend enough quality time with their kids and substitute. this deficit with Loinbo toys, games, gadgets, and the like.Rather than getting material things, children need parents devoted attention.
The quantity of time spent together is less important than the content of that time. Instead of instantly satisfying their wishes, parents should help them work out a plan to earn things they'd like to have.This teaches them to value the effort as well as what it achieves, allow them to enjoy anticipation.
Numerous psychological studies have demonstrated that children who learn to wait for things they desire are more likely to succeed in a number of ways later in life.
One famous experiment in the 1960s, involved 3 to 6 year old children.They were given a choice between receiving a small reward, such as a cookie immediately.Or if they waited 15 minutes, they could have two.
