Part|2021年12月大学英语四级考试真题(第1套)( 五 )

39. Many scholars claim that spending time on electronic devices doesn’t necessarily mean a decrease of time for other activities.
40. Most people spend much more time interacting with digital media than they did ten years ago.
41. The author claims that it will be a great loss if we no longer read books and longer articles.
42. Over a decade or so, American teens’ social media use shifted from an occasional activity to a routine one.
43. A more disturbing trend in America today is that teens are spending far less time reading than around four decades ago.
44. Some five years ago, high school seniors in America generally spent more than six hours a day on electronic devices.
45. It was found that American youngsters today don’t socialize nearly as much as the earlier generations.
Section C
Directions: There are 2 passages in this section. Each passage is followed by some questions or unfinished statements. For each of them there are four choices marked A), B), C) and D). You should decide on the best choice and mark the corresponding letter on Answer Sheet 2 with a single line through the centre.
Passage One
Questions 46 to 50 are based on the following passage.
Have you ever wondered how acceptable it is to hug or touch someone? While it may sound safe to avoid all physical contact so as not to offend anyone, the lack of touching might imply cold attitudes or indifference in interpersonal relationships.
So, what should we do? The simple answer is thoroughly learn unique cultural norms for physical contact. In nonverbal communication terminology (术语) , physical contact and the study of touching are generally referred to as haptics.
Haptics in communication often suggest the level of intimacy. They are usually classified into two groups:high-contact and low-contact.
Asia and quite surprisingly the United States. Canada and Britain belong to low-contact cultures. People from the rest of the world such as Latin America,are considered to be in high-contact cultures, where they tend to expect touching in social interactions and feel more comfortable with physical closeness,Despite the classification,there are more complex factors such as relational closeness, gender, age.and context that can affect how someone views physical contact.
One common French custom of greetings is cheek-kissing, but it is mostly restricted to friends, close acquaintances and family members. While cheek-kissing for Latin Americans is also a universal greeting form, it does not require such a high degree of relational closeness. However, gender matters more for them because check-kissing often only happens between women or a man and a woman but not two men.
In contrast,in certain Arabian,African, and Asian countries,men can publicly hold hands or show physical affection as signs of brotherhood or friendship while these behaviors may suggest a romantic relationship in other parts of the world.Although men's touching is more normal in these cultures, physical contact between persons of opposite sexes who are not family members is negatively perceived in Arabic countries.
These factors could definitely affect the degree to which someone is comfortable with tactile (触觉的) communication and physical intimacy. Therefore, if you are someone who loves to show physical affection, you should not be afraid to show it or drastically change your behaviors—just ask for consent beforehand!
46. What does the author say in the first paragraph about physical contact?
A) Its role in interpersonal relationships is getting increasingly important.
B) It is becoming more acceptable to many who used to think it offensive.
C) Its absence might suggest n lack of warmth in interpersonal relationships.
D) It might prompt different responses from people of different social backgrounds.
47.A)What does physical contact in communication suggest?
B) How civilized the communicators are.
