观点|为何英语写作对中国学生来说很难?( 三 )

Not everyone who graduates from high school knows who he/she really is. Take the Chinese high school education system for example. Everyone here studies a similar curriculum. If you focus on science and technology, you're required to take Chinese, Math, English, Physics, Chemistry and Biology, or if you focus on humanity, you will have to take Chinese, Math, English, Politics, History, and Geography. Most students are, therefore, not actually aware of other potential fields that could one day become their career. In fact, a lot of skills that could later become important assets in a profession, such as communication skills, ability to handle pressure, or physical strength, cannot be reflected at this stage. Consequently, if a student is not exceptional in any of these fields, chances are high that he/she knows neither about his/her own passion nor his/her natural gift.(全部都是在解释为什么会出现大量的学生不知道自己的兴趣 。 )What are his/her best odds for a choice of major then? I do believe a decision based on job availability is the rational thing to do. Today, if you pick Computer Science, for example, even if you only attend a second-tier college and get an average GPA of C+ , you are still going to be popular in the job market. All the Internet startups are in desperate need of coders, so these professionals get much higher pay than fresh graduates from most other majors. It's true. the student may not enjoy his/her job , but let's be realistic. He/She will have enough money , and he/she can do fun things after work.(全部都是在解释为什么选择了好就业的领域 , 即便没有兴趣 , 但最后结果不会太差 。 )
总而言之 , 好的写作没有模板;好的写作是能够展现一个有洞察力 , 理性和清晰度的思想;好的写作是在为读者展开 , 而不是为自己展开;好的写作是一个展现的过程 , 让“不可见的”的论点“可见” 。 因此我们需要:
01找到一个立足点 , 建立自己的论点
02明确自己的立场 , 搜寻相关资料支撑
03从多个角度论述 , 打上点阴影 , 让论点更立体
04论证结构要清晰 , 让论点层次分明
