逻辑|Essay写作中需要避免哪些问题?( 二 )

最后一点很容易被忽略的就是审题问题 , 很多小伙伴在开始写文章以后就忘记最开始的题目要求了 , 于是写着写着很容易忽略老师留下来一些细节问题 。 在这里给大家的建议就是在列提纲的时候加入这一环节 , 让自己在写文章的时候时刻提醒自己不要忘记回答老师留下的问题 。 并且我强烈推荐大家在开始写作之前认真审题 , 有些论文是要结合上课内容的 , 所以一定要把思路理清楚 , 结合好需要融入的所有内容再开始写作 。 如果完成了一大半的文章之后再开始加入新的元素 , 文章的主旨就会被淡化很多 。
The last point that is easy to be ignored is the problem of topic examination.Many children forget the requirements of the first topic after starting to write an article,so they write that it is easy to ignore some details left by the teacher.The suggestion here is to add this link when making an outline,so that when writing an article,I can remind myself not to forget to answer the questions left by the teacher.And I strongly recommend that you carefully review the topic before you start writing.Some papers should be combined with the class content,so you must clarify your ideas and combine all the contents that need to be integrated before you start writing.If you finish more than half of the article and then start adding new elements,the theme of the article will be diluted a lot.
对于留学生而言 , Essay写作真的是生活中和学业上必不可少的一部分 。 哪怕是理科生也离不开report 。 所以写好文章真的很重要!有用的写作技巧不仅能帮你提高GPA , 还能帮你锻炼清晰的逻辑思维和表达能力 。
【逻辑|Essay写作中需要避免哪些问题?】For international students,essay writing is really an essential part of life and study.Even science students can't live without report.So it's really important to write a good article!Useful writing skills can not only help you improve your GPA,but also help you exercise your clear logical thinking and expression skills.
