观点|5个会给英文Essay导致致命性危害的错误讲解( 二 )

Theoretically,that may be true.But in reality,…;That may be true to a certain extent,but we also have to consider…;That might have been the case once,but now…;As I see it,there is more to it than that;They may have a point there,but…;I agree with their proposition,but with qualifications/reservations.
4.论证结构不认真细致 在我们为接纳一个肯定得出原因的情况下便是在做论述(argument) , 一般而言论述由前提条件(premise)和结果(conclusion)组成 。 前提条件是为另一个肯定出示原因的阐述 , 被前提条件适用的肯定便是论述的结果 。 大家在英文essay撰写中不用像期刊英文essay那般 , 严苛地遵循”前提条件或假定试验全过程/基础理论计算全过程结果”一种论证结构 , 可是最重要的因素应当论述清晰 , 即论点论据和事实论据 , 通俗化来讲 , 我们在一篇优秀的英文essay撰写的主题风格文章段落(段首和尾端中间的一部分)一帮会出现3个上下的原因句(分论点) , 每一个原因句后边会紧随2—4个适用句 , 适用句出示事实论据(包含事例、客观事实、简易逻辑推理等) 。 许多同学们列举出分论点或原因句以后没有写事实论据或适用句的习惯性或是搞不懂充裕的适用句来或是写成了也仅仅没什么合外力的空谈堆积 , 它是逻辑思维层面的难题 , 能够阅读文章大家以前相关批判性思考的类似文章开展联络;另一点是 , 适用句写的没什么技巧和逻辑性可谈 , 拼写错误层出不穷 , 它是对逻辑性连词和英语的语法句型(如妥协状语从句、虚拟语气)把握不够而造成的 。
5.忽略末尾段 绝大部分的学员乃至是培训学校的教师在学习培训和教授英文写作时 , 都是会主要训炼如何去写成一个精彩纷呈的开始和圆润的行为主体 , 而忽视了作文结尾文章段落的必要性 , 要不机械设备反复上文所讲论点论据和事实论据 , 要不套入模版草草鸟事 , 甚至有会出现一些原则问题的错误(例如在结尾为了更好地拼接篇幅而盲目跟风堆积新的论点论据等) 。 那么文章结尾部分到底该怎么写呢:http://www.hotessay.net/news_show.php?id=365 。 一篇逻辑性认真细致的优秀文章 , 应该是首尾唿应且应让人有一种回味无穷之感 。 一般而言 , 大家应当依据文章内容的基础见解和阐述架构在末尾对其开展paraphrase复述和summarize小结 , 或是整体提升等 。 现得出集中化编写末尾段的事例做为参照:
“Reducing class size is not just a matter of relieving pressure.It will enhance what a student learns and even the person they learn it from can learn from the process”(立在高空、对文章内容开展提升);
“For these reasons,we can safely conclude that classmates are too important a factor to ignore and they have more important influence than teachers on students’success at school”(总结全文 , 复述论点论据);
“It goes without saying that both sources are important to us.However,as to me,knowledge from experience is even more important because without experience,it’s almost impossible to understand knowledge from books or to understand how to apply this knowledge in real life.”(明显比照 , 推进观点);
【观点|5个会给英文Essay导致致命性危害的错误讲解】“I would like to say that I personally agree that formal education at an early age offers children benefits at all levels and therefore is more important than letting them play.After all,kids can always play after school but learning at school stimulates their brain growth and puts them in competitive social settings,which is indeed irreplaceable experience for such a critical stage of life.”(语调婉转切合全篇)
