题目|Essay写作审题技巧必须掌握( 二 )

·对方法二进行详述 , 并列举公司二应用该方法成功的实例
·总结上述两种方法 , 并给出可操作的建议
通过对题目的解构 , 我们最终得到了以上的问题点 , 给接下来论文的结构提供了一个参考 。
Through the deconstruction of the topic,we finally get the above problem points,which provides a reference for the structure of the next paper.
因此 , 如果把essay的写作比喻成一段航海旅程 , 审题其实就是翻阅地图的过程 。 一个要成为海贼王的男人(女人)不会允许自己尚未出航即迷失方向 , 正如要写高分的你不能输在审题这一步 。
Therefore,if essay's writing is compared to a voyage,the examination of the topic is actually the process of looking through the map.A man(woman)who wants to be a pirate king will not allow himself to lose his way before he sets sail,just as you want to write high scores,you can't lose in the examination.
