爱好|MBA面试关于爱好的问题以及高分回答案例( 二 )

Sample Answer 2: For an arts graduate (BA, MA, etc.)
“My hobby is to try various activities. As a matter of fact, I have 5 low-cost hobbies, low-cost because now I am a student and I cannot afford my hobbies to burn a hole in my pocket. These are writing, cooking, bird-watching, photography with my phone and learning new languages. I have taught myself to speak in Spanish and German thanks to numerous YouTube videos, Google translate and Duolingo app. Also, I love to maintain an online journal about my bird watching sojourns with images that I click myself. If things go well and I spot an unknown bird in this part of the country, I hope I will become known in the local ornithology community. Being an M.Sc zoology student, I feel this hobby is constantly adding value to my profile. As I already mentioned, I love cooking too. Despite being a vegetarian, I think I bake some of the best egg-less cakes in my locality.
Sample Answer 3: For a management graduate (BBA, MBA)
“To be honest, I am yet to figure out a single hobby. If doing something that gives me immense pleasure is the definition of a ‘hobby’, I would be glad to say that I have many. I have used some of them to make money too. The list would include teaching school kids in my neighborhood, writing articles and getting them published, motivating others through pep talks, having prolonged debates on politics with friends and my dad, playing cricket for hours after dark, tending to plants, taking my pet for a walk etc. Weird. But true. Even though people see me as a simple person, I always say that ‘complicated’ is my second name.”
Sample Answer 4: For freshers with a degree in literature
【爱好|MBA面试关于爱好的问题以及高分回答案例】“I love reading novels and I happily admit that I am addicted to reading. I read while travelling to college in the cab and before sleeping daily. Basically, whenever I am alone and wide awake, I turn a few pages even if it is only for a few minutes. So, you will always find a few books in my bag and you should see my room which is more of a library. My favorite genres include crime fiction and fan fiction books. But I am also into non-fiction, especially autobiographies, self-help books or any best seller that I can lay my hands onto. Every year since my childhood, I have visited the Delhi book fair without fail as it is my most favorite event in the national capital for obvious reasons! Reading relaxes me just like meditation or yoga relaxes others, and it also helps me think more creatively. I am looking forward to join your company because of the Book Lover’s Club you have unlike most companies as well as the Toastmaster’s club you have on-board. Did I forget to mention? I am also an orator and have won several accolades at competitions.”
