
简单版:Happy birthday to me.
I wish myself a happy birthday and a better and better new year. I will strive to make progress without fear of hardship or tiredness.
2、愿我在生日的日子里,充满绿色的畅想,金色的梦幻 。
May my birthday be filled with green fantasies and golden dreams.
Happy birthday,always healthy and beautiful!
4、祝自我生日欢乐!新的一年也要棒棒的鸭 。
Happy birthday to myself! A great duck for the new year.
Happy birthday to myself! Hope that no matter what happens,we should face it well!
6、祝自我19岁生日欢乐,期望自我天天开心学业有成 。
I wish myself a happy 19th birthday and hope that I will be happy and successful in my studies every day.
Once again,I hope I will always be a fairy!
The other is not important. The most important thing is to wish you a happy birthday with your heart.


9、从没有让别人给自我过过生日,只是自我记得自我的生日 。
Never let others celebrate their birthdays,just remember their birthdays.
10、自我生日自我嗨,自我Happy自我拍 。
Hi my birthday,Happy himself.
Happy birthday to you,I wish you a smooth and profitable year in 2019. Come on!
12、学会爱自我宠自我,把更多的机会留给自我 。
Learn to love yourself and spoil yourself,leaving more opportunities for yourself.
Happy birthday,have a nice day!
14、求欢乐时非欢乐,得便宜处失便宜 。祝自我生日欢乐 。
It is not pleasure to seek pleasure,but gain and lose. Happy birthday to myself.
15、敢于向黑暗宣战的人,心里必须充满光明 。祝自我生日欢乐!
Those who dare to declare war on darkness must be filled with light. Happy birthday to myself!
16、我的生日愿望是,能够一夜之间长大十岁 。
My birthday wish is to grow up ten years overnight.
17、在这个特殊的日子,祝愿生活越来越完美,让美丽潇洒永远相伴 。
On this special day,I wish life more and more beautiful,so that beautiful and unrestrained always acpany.
18、我的生日,我很开心,祝我自我的明天更辉煌 。
My birthday,I am very happy,I wish my own tomorrow more brilliant.
19、我忘了我自我的生日,却忘不了你的生日 。
I forget my own birthday,but not your own.
Happy Birthday to Yesterday! Accept a wish!
21、一个属于自我的日子,属于妈妈的日子,欢乐,又心痛 。
A day of my own,a day of my mother,happy and heartbreaking.
22、亲爱的自我,要欢乐要开朗要坚韧要温暖,这和性格无关 。
Dear myself,to be happy,to be cheerful,to be tough and warm,which has nothing to do with character.
Happy birthday to myself! People with intentions don't need to remind themselves,do they?
Happy birthday to myself! I hope I am getting better and better! All ideals e as promised!
25、生日欢乐,又老了一岁,感激给我过生日的朋友们 。
Happy birthday and one year older. Thank you for your birthday friends.
26、人的命,三分天注定,七分靠奋斗 。祝自我生日欢乐!
Man's life is destined for three days and seven for struggle. Happy birthday to myself!
27、给我生日祝福的人那么多,却偏偏少了我最想要的一个人的祝福 。
There are so many people who wish me a birthday,but they are less blessed by the one I want most.
28、想要你和我一辈子,祝自我生日欢乐 。
I want to wish you and me a happy birthday all my life.
29、你的心里有一面墙,推开就能看见天堂 。生日欢乐,祝福自我!
You have a wall in your heart,you can see heaven when you push it away. Happy birthday,bless yourself!
30、祝我自我生日欢乐、要欢乐必须要欢乐 。
Happy Birthday to myself. Happy Birthday to myself.
31、当一切回不到从前时,我们只能向前看,往前走,对自我好 。
