must+have done用法解析 done是什么意思

1.must+havedone过去一定做了某事(对过去的事情一种肯定的猜测、推测),如:HesaidImusthavedonesomethingbadtodeserveit.他说我肯定是罪有应得 。Thatcarmusthavecostapacket.那辆汽车一定花了一大笔钱 。Ithinkwemust

must+have done用法解析 done是什么意思


1. must+have done过去一定做了某事(对过去的事情一种肯定的猜测、推测),如:
He said I must have done something bad to deserve it.
他说我肯定是罪有应得 。
That car must have cost a pack百思特网et.
那辆汽车一定花了一大笔钱 。
I think we must have taken a wrong turning so百思特网mewhere.
我觉得我们一定是在什么地方拐错了路 。

He must have fallen from a great height.
他肯定是从很高的地方摔下来的 。百思特网
He must have known what she wanted.
他一定早已知道她想要什么了 。
That car must have cost a bundle.
那部车一定价格不菲 。
That dress must have cost a bomb!
She reasoned that she must have left her bag on the train.
她断定准是把包落在火车上了 。
【must+have done用法解析 done是什么意思】
