wednesday怎么读(show怎么读英语发音视频)( 二 )

下面,我们将进入全英语的基础英语内存构建时间,请切换你的语言程序,进入纯英文模式 。
2)听音频联想单词和词汇,这是将英语词汇与发音进行同步的过程 。其掌握标志是可以根据音频听写词汇表达;
3)跟读音频练习大声朗读词汇和例句,这是将口语和听力进行同步的过程 。掌握的标志是,你能流利地将例句说出来,并可以口头拓展造句 。
01-07 time in a day and time measurements.mp34:39来自经典之音刘博士
【Audio Transcript】
24 hours are 1 day;
60 minutes are 1 hour.
6 p.m. and 1 minute is 6:01 p.m.
6 a.m. and 1 minute is 6:01 a.m.
6:01 a.m. is 1 minute past 6 in the morning.
6 a.m. and 50 minutes is 6:50 a.m.
6:50 a.m. is 10 minutes before 7 a.m.
6:50 a.m. is 10 of 7 in the morning.
6:45 a.m. is a quarter of 7 in the morning;
[Quarter of]
6:15 a.m. is a quarter past 6 in the morning.
12:15 p.m. is a quarter past noon
12:20 p.m. is 20 past noon.
3:20 p.m. is 20 past 3 in the afternoon.
11:40 p.m. is 20 minutes before midnight.
12:30 a.m. is half past midnight.
2013 is one year,
2015 is one year,
12 months are one year,
4 weeks are 1 month.
7 days are 1 week.
24 hours are 1 day.
60 minutes are 1 hour.
60 seconds are 1 minute.
1000 milliseconds are 1 second;
Milliseconds [?milisek?ndz];
1000 microseconds are 1 millisecond.
Microsecond: [?maikr?usek?nd]
60 seconds are 1 minute.
60 minutes are 1 hour.
24 hours are 1 day.
7 days are 1 week.
14 days are 1 fortnight.
Fortnight [?f??rtna?t]
4 weeks are 1 month.
12 months are 1 year.
10 years are 1 decade.
Decade: [?deke?d]
100 years are 1 century.
Century: [?sent??ri]
1000 years are 1 millennium.
Millennium: [m??leni?m]
In 1 day the sun goes around the earth.
In 1 month the moon goes around the earth.
In 1 year the earth goes around the sun.
(The End)
