表语|英语学习之系动词be用法( 二 )

Neither of them is here. 他们俩都不在这里 。
She was abroad all last summer. 她去年整个夏天都在国外 。
If he was downstairs, why didn’t he answer the bell? 他要是在楼下 , 为何不开门呢?
2. 与介词同形的小品词有也可用作表语 , 如in, on, off, out, by, away, behind, up, down, over, through, around, round, below, inside, outside 等 。 如:
Make sure the lid is on. 确信要把盖子盖上 。
The engagement is off. 婚约取消了 。
The taxi is outside. 出租车在外面 。
The grocery was below. 杂货店在下面 。
The level of unemployment is down. 失业率在下降 。
I phoned Sally but she was out. 我给萨莉打电话 , 可是她不在 。
He hid the money when nobody was by. 附近没人时他把钱藏了起来 。
By the time we arrived the meeting was over. 我们到达时 , 会议已结束了 。
He was left in charge of the shop while the manager was away. 经理不在时 , 他负责这个商店 。
英语的系动词通常不用于进行时态 , 但以下几类有时可以这样用:
1. 状态系动词
表示状态的系动词 be 与动态形容词连用时 , 可以用于进行时态 , 表示特定的表现 。 如:
She is being very annoying this evening. 她今晚很烦人 。
Your brother was being a fool yesterday. 你兄弟昨天真蠢 。
I was being very careful. 我当时非常小心 。
2. 感官系动词
感官系动词feel(感觉), look(看起来)有时可用于进行时态 。 如:
I’m feeling fine. 我现在感觉良好 。
I’m feeling a bit lonesome. 我感到有点寂寞 。
I’m glad you’re feeling so much better. 我很高兴你感觉好多了 。
Why is she looking so sad? 她为什么愁容满面?
My boy is not looking very well. 我的孩子气色不太好 。
但是 , 当feel表示人自身的感觉时 , 可用于进行时态;但当它表示事物给人的感觉时 , 它不能用于进行时态 , 如以下各句不用进行时态:
Silk feels soft and smooth. 绸子摸起来柔软光滑 。
Silk feels soft and smooth. 绸缎摸起来柔软光滑 。
It felt pleasant going to work. 上班去的感觉很愉快 。
3. 变化系动词
变化系动词become, grow, get, go, run 等有时可用于进行时态强调变化的进程 。 如:
The weather is getting colder. 天气渐冷 。
Her hair is going grey. 她的头发日见花白 。
Our supplies are running low. 我们的供应品不多了 。
The pollution problem is growing serious. 污染问题日见严峻 。
【表语|英语学习之系动词be用法】It was becoming cold, so we lit the fire. 天气变冷了 , 于是我们就点起了火 。
