
2021年申请季已经基本结束了 , 希望大家都如愿收到了理想的offer 。 不过也有一些同学由于种种原因错过了今年的申请 , 那么是时候考虑转战2022年春季了 。 虽然春季研究生项目在数量上比较有限 , 但是仍然有一些不错的项目可以尝试 。 小编总结了一些英国Top 30高校春季开放的硕士项目 , 赶紧看看吧!


拉夫堡大学2022年1月开学的硕士课程现已确认 , 并开放申请中 。
? MSc Advanced Manufacturing Engineering and Management
? MA Climate Change Politics and Policy
? MA Climate Change Science and Management
? MA Digital Media and Society
? MSc Engineering Design
? MSc Environmental Monitoring, Research and Management
? MA Global Media and Cultural Industries
? MSc Information Management and Business Technology
? MSc International Business
? MSc International Financial & Political Relations
? MSc Low Energy Building Services Engineering
? MSc Management
? MSc Marketing
? MSc Mechanical Engineering
? MA Security
? MA Strategic Communication
? MSc Systems Engineering
? MA/MSc Design Innovation
? MSc Digital Finance
? MSc Digital Marketing
? MSc Diplomacy and International Governance
? MSc Diplomacy, Business and Trade
? MSc Diplomacy, Politics and Trade
? MSc Entrepreneurship & Innovation Mgt
? MSc Entrepreneurship, Finance and Innovation
? MA Global Communication and Social Change
? MSc International Management
? MSc Managing Innovation in Creative Organisations
? MA Media and Creative Industries
? MSc Security, Peace-building and Diplomacy
? MSc Sport Marketing
? MSc Renewable Energy Systems Technology (Distance Learning)
格拉斯哥大学原本就开设有1月开学课程 , 主要是School of Engineering工程学院硕士课程 , 之后因为疫情影响又增设了其他春季课程 。
? MSc Aerospace Engineering
? MSc Aerospace Engineering & Management
? MSc Biomedical Engineering
? MTh/PgDip/PgCert Church History & Theology
? MSc Civil Engineering
? MSc Civil Engineering & Management
? MSc Corporate Governance & Accountability
? MSc/PgDip/PgCert Critical Care
? MSc/PgDip/PgCert Critical Care, Leadership & Management
? MSc Electronics & Electrical Engineering
? MSc Electronics & Electrical Engineering & Management
? MSc Electronics & Photonics Manufacturing
? MSc/PgDip/PgCert Geoinformation Technology & Cartography
? MSc Geomatics & Management
? MSc/PgDip/PgCert Geospatial & Mapping Sciences
? PgCert Human Anatomy
? MRes Industrial Heterogeneous Catalysis
? MSc/PgDip/PgCert Land & Hydrographic Surveying
? MSc Land & Hydrographic Surveying with Work Placement
? MSc Mechanical Engineering
? MSc Mechanical Engineering & Management
? MSc Mechatronics
? MSc Nanoscience & Nanotechnology
? MSc Robotics & AI
? PgCert Sports Nutrition
? MSc Sustainable Energy
? MSc Sustainable Water Environments
阿斯顿大学去年新增加2022春季(1月)入学的硕士课程 。
? MSc Accounting and Finance
? MSc International Accounting and Finance
? MSc Investment Analysis
? MSc Business Analytics
? MSc Business and Management
? MSc Information Systems and Business Analysis
【项目|2022年英国春季TOP30硕士项目汇总!】? MSc Human Resource Management
