主题|英文写作信息流动(flow of information)怎么用?

在英文写作中 , 每个段落都自己的结构 。 我们需要用有意义的方式把每个句子连接在一起表达一个完整的意思 。 这个时候我们就要求每个句子之间的链接和变换( flow )要自然顺畅 。 要做到这点 , 我们要清晰地组织你的信息 , 并使用信号词( signal words )准确地表明你想要说什么 。 我们之前讨论过信号词的使用了 , 那我们今天来讨论一下信息流动( flow of information ) 。

主题|英文写作信息流动(flow of information)怎么用?

1. 主题和述位 Theme and Rheme大多数英语句子有两部分:主题( Theme )和述位( Rheme ) 。 主题(Theme)是你已经给你读者介绍过的信息 , 而述位(Rheme)则是你要想要告诉读者的新信息 。 在英语中 , 一般主题(Theme)在句首 , 述位(Rheme)在句尾 。 当然这个位置不是固定的 , 是要跟根据你的前后后句来变 。 我们这么说可能有点抽象 , 我们来看几个句子来了解一下:
1. I was born in Glasgow. Glasgow is the largest city in Scotland.
2. I was born in Glasgow. The largest city in Scotland is Glasgow.
这两句话从语法上来说都是对的 , 但是第一句更符合英语的使用规则 , 因为the largest city in Scotland 是这句话的rheme,一般是在后面而非前面 。
我们再来看一个复杂长句子 ,
1. In the past 60 years, as many as 65 different classi?cation systems have been developed to de?ne the dimensions of leadership. One suchclassi?cation system is the scheme proposed by Bass (1990, pp. 11-20).
【主题|英文写作信息流动(flow of information)怎么用?】2. In the past 60 years, as many as 65 different classi?cation systems have been developed to de?ne the dimensions of leadership. The scheme proposed by Bass (1990, pp. 11-20) is one such classi?cation system.
这两句从语法上来看都是对的 , 但是述位一般是在主题后面表现 。 所以第一句话更符合英文写作规则 。 更多英文写作技巧:www.emwchinese.com

主题|英文写作信息流动(flow of information)怎么用?

2. 段落中的信息流动我们在前面看了在句子中如何让自己的想要表达的观点更流畅 , 现在我们看看如何在段落中如何让自己的观点和论证更流畅 。
2.1. 前一句的述位成为下一句的主题
The early feminist movement was greatly influenced by the work on MaryWollstonecraft. She proposed a feminist agenda whose aims were to expose the exclusion of women from traditionally male spheres such as politics, economics, education and religion. These aims became the main focus for religious women in particular in the United States.
主题是 Theearly feminist movement, 述位是Mary Wollstonecraft;然后下一段的主题就是 She , 述位是aims;第三句的主题是aims 。

主题|英文写作信息流动(flow of information)怎么用?

2.2. 前一句的主位和后一句的是一样的
Karl Marx was a German philosopher. He was also an economist, historian, political theorist, sociologist, journalist and revolutionary socialist. He was born in Trier to a middle-class family and studied law and Hegelian philosophy. Due to his political publications, Marx became stateless and lived in exile in London, where he continued to develop his thought in collaboration with German thinker Friedrich Engels.
这段话每句话的主题都是Karl Marx, 后面的He都是指代他 。

主题|英文写作信息流动(flow of information)怎么用?

Darwin’s The origin of species published in 1859 was hugely influential in the field of science and in society in general. Indeed it has often been referred to as the ‘book that shook the world’. The book outlined how there could be a relatively gradual change in the characteristics of successive generations of a species and that higher plants and animals evolved slowly over time from lower beings. This evolution occurred as a result of competition within local interacting communities. Darwin’sbook helped throw the idea that there was a complete difference between humans and the animal world into turmoil as he reinforced the suggestion that humans evolved from lower beings. Prior to this it was believed in the western world, based on biblical works, that humans were created superior to other beings.
