

“年龄到了 , 有些事情就妥协了 , 这个世界上没有人能够随心所欲 , 生活会逼着你选择 。 什么都知道 , 可是什么都改变不了 ”
\"When you get older some things compromise. No one in this world can do what they want. Life forces you to choose. You know everything but you can't change anything.\"
“受委屈的时候 , 没有爸爸出头 , 没有妈妈细心开导 , 没有兄弟姐妹撑腰壮胆 , 习惯了这几年 , 像野草一样坚强做自己的避风港”
\"When I was wronged I had no father to stand up for me no mother to enlighten me carefully and no brothers and sisters to support me with courage. I became accustomed to the past few years and became as strong as weeds to be my safe haven.\"
“不要眼框一红 , 就觉得人间不值得 , 散伙本是人间常态 , 你我又怎会例外 , 只是很遗憾 , 没能成为你的例外和偏爱”
\"Don't feel that the world is not worth it once your eyes are red. Breaking up is normal in the world so how can you and I be exceptional? It's just a pity that we can't be your exception and preference.\"
“一生至少该有一次 , 为了某个人而忘了自己 , 不求有结果 , 不求同行 , 只求在我最美的年华里 , 遇到你”
【|那些让你偷偷抹眼泪的意难平文案】\"In your life there will at least one time that you forget yourself for someone asking for no result no company just ask for meeting you in my most beautiful years.\"
“你能不能再爱我一遍 , 像以前 , 以前你都是热烈 , 没谎言 , 不失联 , 只为我一个人失眠”
\"Can you love me again like before before you are warm no lies do not break the union just for me a person insomnia\"
“突然想妥协了 , 想结婚了 , 想踏实 , 想安稳 , 想要一份安全感 , 想有个依靠 , 想要万家灯火中有一盏灯为我而留”
\"Suddenly I want to compromise I want to get married I want to be practical I want to be safe I want a sense of security I want to rely on I want to have a lamp in the light of thousands of families to stay for me.\"
“以前总搞不明白 , 两个互相喜欢的人 , 为什么不能一直走下去 , 现在知道了 , 原来是有个人在撒谎”
\"I used to wonder why two people who like each other can't go on forever. Now I know that someone is lying.\"
不要指望任何人心疼你最难熬的日子都是自己一个人扛过来的因为别人无法体会你生活背后的心酸和痛苦 。
Don't expect anyone to love you the most difficult days are a person to carry over because others can not understand your life behind the sadness and pain.
以前心心念念的东西 , 现在不想要了 , 以前较真的事情 , 现在不在乎了 , 一旦过了那股劲 , 很多事情就没有想象中的重要了 。
In the past I don't want the things I used to think about I don't care about the things I used to care about once I passed that strength a lot of things are not as important as I imagined.
下一次遇到喜欢的人 , 记得只做朋友 , 只谈笑风声不动情 。 长久的淡淡的喜欢和远远的看不至于什么都在黑名单 。
The next time you meet someone you like remember to just be friends just talk and laugh and not get emotional. For a long time the light like and far look not what are in the blacklist.
人生百味 , 谁能不累 , 每个人一生都有一个劫 , 每个人都在以不同的方式成长 , 谁也没有轻轻松松 , 熬吧 , 熬过去就是重生 。
Life taste who can not tired everyone has a life everyone in a different way to grow who did not easily endure it endure the past is rebirth.
