
想写好一篇英语Essay , 应用连词是十分必需的 。 应用适当的连词 , 能够让语句中间的变换更为畅顺 , 提升相互的逻辑顺序 。 那么英文Essay写作中该怎么使用连词呢?下边就给大伙儿解读一下连词的应用体会心得 。


学习培训考试规范 , 毫无疑问能为大家指条明路 。
--Logically organizes information and ideas;there is clear progression throughout
有逻辑性的机构内容;全篇清晰的渐近发展趋势 。
--Uses a range of cohesive devices appropriately,although there may be some under/over use
语句与语句中间 , 文章段落与文章段落中间 , 适当的应用衔接语汇"cohesive devices"(transition words)来联接 , 可是防止应用太多或过少的transition words.
--Presents a clear central topic within each paragraph
每一段务必有每一段的中心思想 。 可是防止惹是非 。
首先看第一条 , “有逻辑性的机构内容” 。
因此有逻辑性的机构 , 是指有十分确立的标识 ,
告知阅读者每句所意味着的含意 。
例如见解句要清楚可见 , 以后关键跟事例或表述 , 再往后面便是结果 。
你能把表述和事例用一句话表述 , 还可以分离 , 但每一个见解后务必都需要有 。
越发高分数的优秀作文 , 见解都需要深入探讨一次 , 不然会被觉得是没有探讨 。
One reason for this trend is economic.People are generally more affluent than in the past,and this means that they can afford to make the choice to live alone,something not always possible in the past.In addition to this,there are also cultural factors.There used to be more pressure to marry young and think about having a family.Now though,people desire self-fulfillment,and will marry later or divorce if their marriage is not happy.Also,the developments in communication technology such as social media mean that people can live alone but still feel connected to others.
题型是:In recent times,many people are making the decision to live alone.What are the causes of this?
一定要注意这一段中means that一部分是一个十分聪慧的作法 。
它非常好的将见解和结果联络在了一起 。
那样既能够描述自身的见解 , 另外一笔带过见解所造成的结果 ,
相当于进行了一次探讨 , 那样便是合乎逻辑性的 。
尤其是最终一句话 , 恰当的将见解、事例、结果融合成一句 。
而 , 很多同学的写法绝大多数会是:
Also,developments in communication technology make us easily connect to others.
几句话尽管含意类同 , 可是事例中的这句话合乎逻辑性规定 ,
而大家写的则仅仅单纯性的见解句 , 那样在逻辑性阶段便会丢分 。
生涩的转折点 , 是一切按段都需要防止的
Essay writing service on is no doubt that early technological developments make people's life more convenient and comfortable.For example,the automobile makes traveling far away from home come true.With the automobile,people can attend to school or office,which is too far to commute by feet.Fertilizer is another early technology in chemical field.By the usage of fertilizer,farmer can output more food production,solving the shortage of food,which is caused by the increasing population.However early technologies also brought some serious consequences.One of the consequence,as media reported,was that lots of children sick because they drank poisoned water by fertilizer.
开始这句话 , 意味着了创作者的文章段落中心思想 。
即然提及了早前的高新科技 , 让大家的日常生活更为方便快捷和舒服 ,
那么全部文章段落就应当紧紧围绕它进行 。
