关于端午节的资料英文 关于端午节的中英文资料

关于端午节的资料英文 关于端午节的中英文资料

1、Dragon Boat Festival (the fifth day of the fifth month of the fifth lunar month), also known as the Dragon Boat Festival, Dragon Festival, Double Boat Festival, Dragon Boat Festival, Zhengyang Festival, Bath Lan Festival, Tianzhong Festival and so on, is a traditional Chinese folk festival.
端午节(农历五月初五),又称端阳节、龙节、重午节、龙舟节、正阳节、浴兰节、天中节等等,是中国民间的传统节日 。
2、Dragon Boat Festival originated from celestial worship and evolved from dragon totem sacrifice in ancient times.
端午节源自天象崇拜,由上古时代龙图腾祭祀演变而来 。
3、Dragon Boat Festival is a festival created by the ancestors of Baiyue in ancient times for ancestor worship. According to legend, Quyuan, a poet of the State of Chu in the Warring States Period, committed suicide by jumping the Miluo River on May 5.
Later, people used Dragon Boat Festival as a festival to commemorate Quyuan, and there were also statements in memory of Wu Zixu, Cao E and Jie Zitui.
端午节,是上古百越先民创立用于祭祖的节日 。因传说战国时期的楚国诗人屈原在五月五日跳汨罗江自尽,后来人们亦将端午节作为纪念屈原的节日;也有纪念伍子胥、曹娥及介子推等说法 。
4、Dragon Boat Festival and Spring Festival, Qingming Festival and Mid-Autumn Festival are also known as the four traditional festivals in China.
端午节与春节、清明节、中秋节并称为中国四大传统节日 。
5、Dragon Boat Festival culture has a wide influence in the world, and some countries and regions in the world also have activities to celebrate the Dragon Boat Festival.
【关于端午节的资料英文 关于端午节的中英文资料】端午文化在世界上影响广泛,世界上一些国家和地区也有庆贺端午的活动 。
