沈元星:数字化全偏振病理检测系统设计及应用|SIGS优硕风采 | 图像( 二 )

[1]Shen Y X, Huang R R, He H H, et al. Comparative study of the influence of imaging resolution on linear retardance parameters derived from the Mueller matrix[J]. Biomed Opt Express, 2021, 12(1):211-225.
[2]Shen Y X, He C, He H H et al. Polarization aberration in high numerical aperture lens system and its effect on vectorial information sensing[J].(已被special issue "polarization measurement and applications" on ISPRS Journal of Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing录用)
沈元星:数字化全偏振病理检测系统设计及应用|SIGS优硕风采 | 图像】[3]Shen Y X, Sheng W, He H H, et al. Assessing distribution features of fibrous structures using Mueller matrix derived parameters: a quantitative method for breast carcinoma tissues detection and staging[C]// Proc SPIE 11239, Dynamics and Fluctuations in Biomedical Photonics XVII, 2020, 112390F.
[4]沈元星, 姚悦, 何宏辉, 等. 非标记、定量化穆勒矩阵偏振成像在辅助临床诊断中的应用[J]. 中国激光, 2020, 47(2):0207001.
[5] Huang R R,Shen Y X, He H H, et al. Comparative study of influence of imaging resolution on Mueller matrix derived parameters[C]// Proc SPIE 11641, Dynamics and Fluctuations in Biomedical Photonics XVIII, 2021, 116410A.
[6] Dong Y, Liu S X,Shen Y X, et al. Probing variations of fibrous structures during the development of breast ductal carcinoma tissues via Mueller matrix imaging[J]. Biomed Opt Express, 2020, 11(9):4960-4975.
[7] Chen B G, He H H, Zhu H Y et al, Assessing structural features of tuberculosis using Mueller matrix derived parameters: a quantitative method to distinguish between Crohn’s disease and gastrointestinal luminal tuberculosis[C]// Proc SPIE 11553, Optics in Health Care and Biomedical Optics X, 2020, 115530A.
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