留学生|一些让留学生掌握好如何进行高效阅读的小窍门( 二 )

Among the species of seabirds that use the windswept cliffs of the Atlantic coast of Canada in the summer to mate,lay eggs,and rear their young are common murres,Atlantic puffins,black-legged kittiwakes,and northern gannets.这是一个代词构造放置句首而造成的完全倒装状况 , 更加超级变态的是代词构造中还有一个其长极其的定为从句装饰seabirds , 该句话的一切正常词序应当为:Common murres,Atlantic puffins,black-legged kittiwakes,and northern gannets are among the species of seabirds that use the windswept cliffs of the Atlantic coast of Canada in the summer to mate,lay eggs,and rear their young.Essay writing service on www.cieae.net.
Accustomed though we are to speaking of the films made before 1927 as“silent”,the film has never been,in the full sense of the word,silent.这是一个很简单的句子 , 可是因为Accustomed出现在句首 , 让学生们造成它和though成对出现的出现幻觉 , 但是那样的话 , 后边的we are to speaking显而易见是不符英语的语法的 , 因此分辨we are accustomed to speaking of…是一个意群块 , 仅仅accustomed被提早以作注重罢了 , 留意这句话中出现可一个较为抽象性的插入语…,in the full sense of the word,…在阅读文章的情况下 , 能够绕过 。 可是学生们见到这类句式构造还可以记笔记 , 如果哪一天写essay的情况下会用获得呢!
Yet Walzer’s argument,however deficient,does point to one of the most serious weakness of capitalism—namely,that it brings to predominant positions in a society people who,no matter how legitimately they have earned their material rewards,often lack those other qualities that evoke affection or admiration.
针对所述事例 , 大家理应分辨yet在作连词的情况下 , 是“殊不知、但是”之意 , 等同于but;Dash分节符“—”在英文中的使用方法 , 一般是插进一个长同位语或是汇总(Use a dash to set off an abrupt break or interruption and to announce a long appositive or summary) , 在由一个及物动词再加上一个代词构成的短语中 , 如bring to , 当其表述为bring A to B的情况下 , 则有可能被部分倒装成bring to B A , 本句中即便阅读者早已了解bring A to B=bring to B A这一存有 , 可是A和B的界线通常难以辨别 , 尤其是许多同学们居然会把society people了解成“社会人士”…… , 此外 , who正确引导的定为从句里居然还有一个较长的插进成份 , 造成连接代词who和从句谓语动词间隔甚大 , 危害阅读文章构思 。
假如这句话修复成一切正常词序 , 则是it brings people who,no matter how legitimately they have earned their material rewards,often lack those other qualities that evoke affection or admiration to dominant positions in a society.类似这类非常容易在高级阅读文章中被部分倒装的固定搭配 , 也有throw over、insert into、import into、infer from、establish for、advocate as等 。
Fredrich Engels,however,predicted that women would be liberated from the“social,legal,and economic subordination”of the family by technological developments that made possible the recruitment of“the whole female sex into public industry”.
【留学生|一些让留学生掌握好如何进行高效阅读的小窍门】当make A adj.这一基础构造中的A太长时 , 能够写出make possible A , 阅读者假如能第一时间判段the recruitment…其实为A构造 , 那么这句话是否会一下就越来越清楚极其了呢?
