
每个人对一篇文章的好坏都有自己主观的看法 , 对于留学文书也是如此 。 但其实留学申请文书并不同于普通的作文 , 它是一篇命题作文 。
这时候 , 我们就不能用普通的写作方式去衡量它 , 纯粹以英文水平来看文书水平是非常外行的 。 到底一篇文书是好 , 是坏 , 留学界业内是有自己的评价标准的 。
今天就来给大家揭秘一下我们是如何去评价一篇文书的 。
在开始之前 , 我想先给大家讲讲一份好的个人介绍(personal statement) , 也就是我们俗称的ps应该回答哪些问题:
1.为什么你要学习这个专业 , 你的兴趣起源来自于哪里 , 你最初对这个领域的认知是什么?
2.你为学习这个专业做了哪些努力和准备 , 这个过程中你做了什么 , 学到了什么?
3.你有哪些能力是适合学习这个专业的 , 是从何而来 , 到达了何种水平?
4.你对于这个行业和领域做了哪些研究 , 你的认知是什么样的?
5.你学完这个专业之后 , 打算做什么 , 如何运用你学到的知识?


虽然我罗列了一些要点 , 但究竟落到笔头要怎么写 , 还是很难三言两语说清楚的 。 所以 , 我决定用一些具体的例子来给大家做分析 。
这是一段来自于行业内某知名大公司的文书 。 如果需要留学文书写作及修改润色服务 , 请咨询:www.12y.org
In my view, education is not simply imparting knowledge, but more importantly, it is committed to cultivating students’ learning ability. I paid particularly attention to the equal education of disabled children, with the belief that if we can teach them necessary survival skills, they will lead a better and more independent life. Intensely aware that Britain is a leading nation in this aspect, I am extremely enthusiastic to experience its cutting-edge teaching ideas, trends and policies. After that, I hope to integrate effective Chinese educational models with the Western one and apply them into my future career.
Consequently, as a student majoring in English, I yearn to study in the birthplace of the English language—the United Kingdom. I am also eager to meander along the roads and enjoy the wonderful natural scenery. What attracts me most is the xxx programme at your university. It can offer me the opportunity to engage in structured study and advanced concepts from a range of educational and community-based contexts. I therefore sincerely hope that I am able to get the chance to develop myself into the education field and bring my equal education ideas into practice.


让我们一句一句来看 。
1. I paid particularly attention to the equal education of disabled children, with the belief that if we can teach them necessary survival skills, they will lead a better and more independent life.
(我特别关注残疾儿童的平等教育 , 相信如果我们能教会他们必要的生存技能 , 他们会过上更好、更独立的生活 。 )
点评:这人说自己关注残疾儿童的教育 , 证据呢?就这么凭空的说自己关注 , 那我还能说自己关注世界和平呢 。 在我们的文书中提出的任何一个论点 , 都是需要事实依据的 。
2. Intensely aware that Britain is a leading nation in this aspect, I am extremely enthusiastic to experience its cutting-edge teaching ideas, trends and policies.
(我深知英国在这方面是一个领先的国家 , 所以非常热衷于体验英国最前沿的教学理念、趋势和政策 。 )
点评:这句话的转折也是没头没脑的 , 哪里有证据证明英国的残疾儿童平等教育很先进了?前后文都没有提到过 , 凭空就这样说 , 完全没有事实依据 , 而且和前一句话的逻辑连接也很弱 。
