管道运输是什么 管道运输

管道运输是什么  管道运输

管道运输是一种独特的运输模式,它是唯一一种不需要运输车辆的运输模式 。
Pipeline transport is a unique transport mode, and it is the only one that does not need transport vehicles.
管道运输是什么  管道运输

管道运输的重要价值在于以下几点 。首先,它不需要车辆的操作者,而这对于其他模式的运输却是必须考虑的重要因素,因为这些交通工具的操作者(如飞行员、船长)每年的报酬超过10万美元 。另外,这些操作者有时会停工(如 *** ),也可能会成为事故发生的原因 。不需要运输车辆也意味着管道运输是一种单向的运输模式;而其他运输模式是包括往返程的双向运输 。回程运输往往是剩余能力或可利用空间浪费的主要来源 。
The important value of pipeline transportation lies in the following points.First, it does not require the operator of the vehicle, which is an important factor for other modes of transport, because the operators (e. g., pilots, captains) are paid more than $100,000 a year.In addition, these operators will sometimes stop work (such as strikes), and may also be the cause of the accident.No need to transport vehicles also means that pipeline transport is a one-way transport mode; other transport modes are two-way transport including round and forth.Backhaul transport is often a major source of waste of residual capacity or available space.
管道运输是什么  管道运输

管道运输不需要运输车辆也意味着它是最可靠的一种运输模式,部分原因在于管道运输中不会出现与运输车辆相关的混乱(例如事故),并且管道运输也不会受不利天气环境的影响 。但管道运输也是最慢的一种运输模式,不需要运输车辆也意味着需要用力,通常是用泵站来驱动产品在管道中流动 。管道输送的慢速特征意味着整个运输时间的增加和物流系统中存货的增加 。
Pipeline transportation does not need transport vehicles also means that it is the most reliable kind of transportation mode, partly because there is no chaos related to transport vehicles (e. g. accidents) in pipeline transportation, and pipeline transportation is not affected by the adverse weather environment.But pipeline transport is also the slowest transport mode, no need to transport vehicles also means the need to force, usually with the pumping station to drive the product to flow through the pipeline.The slow characteristics of pipeline delivery implies an increase in overall transportation time and inventory in the logistics system.
从能力的角度来看,可使用管道运输输送的货物是很有限的 。它输送的产品必须是液态、可液化或气态的 。事实上,管道运输广泛用于石油产品的输送,石油输送管道可分为原油管道和成品油管道 。原油采集管线的直径通常小于等于6英寸,它起始于各油井并把原油输送到汇集场 。分支管线再把原油从采集管线的汇集场运送到炼油厂,分支管线的直径3~48英寸不等,最普通的管线尺寸是8~10英寸 。通过成品油管道可以把石油产品,如汽油或飞行燃料,从炼制厂输送到位于顾客附近的储油罐中 。这些石油产品储存于油罐中,然后再通过卡车或铁路输送到顾客处 。因此管道运输具有有限的交付柔性 。
From a capacity point of view, pipelines are limited to transport goods.The products it delivers must be liquid, lifiable, or gaseous.In fact, pipeline transportation is widely used for the delivery of petroleum products, which can be divided into crude oil pipelines and refined oil pipelines.The crude oil collection pipeline, typically less than or equal to six inches in diameter, starts from various wells and delivers crude oil to the collection site.The branch pipeline then delivers crude oil from the gathering site of the collection pipeline to the refinery, and the branch pipeline diameter ranges from 3 to 48 inches, and the most common line size is 8 to 10 inches.Oil products, such as gasoline or flight fuel, can be transported from the refinery to oil storage tanks located near customers.These oil products are stored in tanks and then delivered to customers by trucks or railroads.Therefore, the pipeline transportation has a limited delivery flexibility.
泥浆系统(slurrysystems)可以把散装固体货物碾磨成细小的可液化的微粒,并把这些微粒和液体进行混合使之成为可流动的浆状,然后利用泵来抽吸促使该物质在管道中移动 。最后滤掉液体,留下固体物质 。水是泥浆系统中最常使用的液体,但也可使用甲醇等其他--些液体 。将那些碾碎的煤从亚利桑那州北部输送到发电站的布莱克.管道可能是最著名的正在运营的泥浆管道系统 。其他一些正在运营的泥浆管道系统用于输送磷酸盐、石灰石、铜精矿和铁精矿 。
