雅思|扣分扣惨了!考口语时,乱用“俚语”的后果很严重!( 三 )

如果英语母语者裸考参试 , 就很有可能因为过度使用非正式表达 ,
如乱用俚语或者当地方言而丢分 。

如果是在雅思考试中 , 你给英国考官说一句 ,
i got pissed off或者 Good day (澳洲俚语) , 那他就很有可能因为听不懂直接扣分 。
所以在考口语的时候不要炫你的俚语 , 就算你知道 , 很可能考官不知道啊 。
记住 , 能不用俚语就不用俚语 。

考试中少用俚语(slang) , 适当用成语/习语(idioms)
在雅思口语测试中 , 如果考生想获得高分 , 想体现出自己在lexical resources方面具有较高的水平 ,
那么 , 除了适当运用less common words之外 , 最好还能准确运用一些idioms.
idioms是什么东西呢?我们可以把它理解成类似中文中的成语或俗语 ,
我们经常把它翻译成“习语”、“惯用语”或“成语” , 长度长一些的叫做 proverb(s) , 也就是“谚语” 。

It’s raining cats and dogs. 下倾盆暴雨
Haste makes waste. 欲速则不达
You can’t have your cake and eat it too. 鱼与熊掌不可兼得
hit the road 是指离开 , 出发去某地;
miss the boat 是指错失良机;
hit the hay是指上床睡觉 。
或者idioms本身有一种隐喻的意味 , 比如 cat nap是指打个盹 ,
人就像猫一样懒洋洋地睡上一会儿 。

最后给大家介绍几个适合在口语考试中使用的idioms , 一起来看
on the same wavelength
英英释义:They understand each other well because they have the same attitudes interests and opinions.
e.g.:I prefer staying with my friends as we are on the same wavelength. (family activities)
have a blast
英英释义: have a lot of fun; enjoy doing sth
英中释义:十分开心 , 很愉悦
e.g.:I always have a blast whenever I hang out with my families. (family activities)
recharge one’s battery
英英释义:to rest and relax in order to regain energy and strength
英中释义:放松 , 补充精力
e.g.:What I like the most is my bedroom  since it’s the place where I can recharge my battery. (Accommodation)
as busy as a beaver
英英释义:the condition of being very industrious hard-working or skilled at tackling many projects at once.
英中释义:非常忙碌 , 尤其是那些需要多任务作业的状态
e.g.: I am not looking forward to working
as being employed may makes you as busy as a beaver to some extent
which may drive me crazy. (work or study)
a pain in the neck
英英释义:someone / something is irritating
e.g.:Doing math homework is a pain in the neck for me
that’s mainly because I am not a math person. (math)
be wall to wall with
英英释义:be filled with
英中释义:充满; 装满; 充满着
e.g.:The road in my hometown is always wall to wall with thousands of vehicles making it pretty hard to pedal a bike.
up to my neck in
英英释义:busy with
e.g.:I've been up to my neck in my study lately and I always have to stay up pretty late.
tighten my belt
英英释义:not spend a lot of money
e.g.:I'm trying to tighten my belt in order to save enough money to buy a camera.
